The North Pole was discovered in 1909 by Robert E. Peary. The tallest peak in Antarctica, Mount Vinson, stands at 4892m high. But the Arctic region is home to more than 4 million people, many of which are indigenous people, native to the area. Depending on the weather, sunlight, or at least a lighted sky is prevalent 18-24 hours per day. But they are polar opposites – literally – and in many other ways you might not expect. Arctic explorers usually cruise through the region, starting off in Norway’s Spitsbergen or Iceland’s Grimsey Island. One of the key differences between the Arctic and Antarctica is that Antarctica supports no land mammals, its absence of vegetation making it unsuitable for all but a minority of terrestrial life. While Antarctica is an actual continent (the fifth largest), there is no land at the North Pole, only sea ice. This website uses cookies to improve user experience. The Arctic is more connected to the rest of the world – in fact, parts of the region are claimed by eight countries. It took Peary eight attempts over the course of 23 years. Large populations of Fur, Sea, Leopard and Crabeater seals dot the Antarctic coast, with elusive Weddell seals found in more remote regions. But there are other, more subtle differences between these places. Barents died during the trip home, but many of his crew survived. In contrast, the Arctic is home to some 48 land mammals, from wolves and lemmings, to reindeer, Arctic foxes and, of course, the wonderful polar bear. If you can get past those icy temperatures, however, the Arctic and Antarctic regions are completely unique. The Arctic is covered in snow and ice during the winter periods, with temperatures in winter plunging to -20°C in some places. That always-frozen layer is called permafrost. Differences between the Arctic and Antarctica can be expressed by the following theses: The Arctic is an area of the world's oceans, and Antarctica is a continent. While there are frequent snowstorms and plenty of icebergs through the waters of both regions, they are shaped by a unique terrain. Antarctica, however, is entirely surrounded by ocean, so moisture is more readily available. Polar bear on thin pack ice at Svalbard by Andreas Jaschek. During his third and final voyage, his ship became trapped by sea ice, forcing Barents and his crew to spend the winter in the High Arctic. Antarctica is covered with ice (and contains more than 90 percent of the Earth's ice) but, it Is technically a desert and one of the driest places on Earth. On land, you might spot reindeer, puffins or Arctic hares and foxes. Sea ice waxes and wanes with the seasons, but minimum and maximum extents rarely match from year to year; over years and decades, summer and winter extents vary. The ocean is equally rich, with 17 types of whales inhabiting Arctic waters alone. One of the most basic differences between Antarctica cruises and the Arctic cruises is the travel season. In the Arctic, temperatures range from -40ºF (-40ºC) in the winter to as high as 50ºF (10ºC), during the summer In addition to warmer temperatures, Arctic summers, which runs from June through September, also offer the Midnight Sun. The tundra is a unique biome where dwarf shrubs, mosses and lichens flourish. Subscribe and discover what’s happening at the museum, 2 Murray Street, Darling HarbourOpen: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm dailyLast boarding time for Vessels – 4:10 pmClosed Christmas Day, Virtual Reality (VR) experience of Antarctica. "Of the 5.8 million square miles of sea ice that exist during winter, on average, 2.7 million square miles remain at the end of the summer melt season," the NSIDC states. Polar bears are native to the Arctic region, where the cool temperatures and sea ice have adapted their appearance and hunting methods. These changes largely result from the geographic differences mentioned above, namely Antarctic sea ice’s distance from the pole (sea ice can melt ba… The main difference between Arctic and Antarctic is that the Arctic is a polar region on the Earth's northern hemisphere and Antarctic is a region around the Earth's South Pole. The Arctic flora is richer, and the fauna is more distinctive (many endemics) than in Antarctica. While there is no landmass at North Pole with Arctic being … © 1999-2021 Poseidon Expeditions. Charles Millen/Australian Antarctic Division.
Slideshow: 50 Years of Victory Journeys to the North Pole, Top 10 Scientific Discoveries in Antarctica. The main difference between the Arctic and Antarctica is that the Arctic is a frozen ocean, whereas Antarctica is an actual landmass, and a continent. The midnight sun also contributes to the warmer temperatures, melting the sea ice. Most of what I knew about Antarctica came from watching The Pebble and the Penguin, and most of what I knew about the Arctic included Santa Claus. This results in thinner ice – usually around three to six feet thick – and more ice melt during the summer. Antarctica, on the other hand, holds the honour of being the windiest, driest and coldest area on the planet. Compared to the Arctic, Antarctic sea ice shows less variability in summer, and more variability in winter. The Arctic and Antarctica are home to some of the world’s most iconic creatures – the polar bear and the penguin. During the summer solstice in the Arctic in June, the sun shines for 24 hours – imagine how much longer you can spend exploring with a midnight sun! The Arctic and Antarctica might seem quite similar at first glance: Mountainous, snow-covered landscapes and icebergs, whales, and nesting seabirds by the tens of thousands. December and January are the months with the most sunlight (up to 20 hours a day), and daily temperatures are at their warmest. Make some simple comparisons using Venn diagrams and drawings to show some differences and similarities between the Arctic and Antarctic. While the two look the same at a simple glance, there is a great difference between the two. When most people think about the Arctic and Antarctica, they think of icebergs and snow. Of course, in the winter, nighttime lasts for six months. Antarctica also stands apart thanks to its two volcanoes – Mount Erebus and Deception Island. The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by … No single country owns the North Pole, either. In the brief summer period, the tundra’s wildflowers and lichens light up the landscape by spreading an unforgettable blanket of colour over the plain soil. Luckily for the researchers, the earth keeps on turning, with the midnight sun period occuring in Antarctica between December and January. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by water. Ninety-eight per cent of Antarctica’s surface is covered by ice, with three major mountain ranges dividing the landscape to the north and south. To visit Antarctica, intrepid travellers have to conquer the infamous Drake Passage, one of the world’s choppiest stretches of ocean. But there is a big difference between the two: there is sea water below the Arctic ice cap, and there is rocky mainland below the Antarctic ice cap. For those wondering what makes these polar opposites so special, here are the key differences: The Wildlife: Arctic vs Antarctica By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by water. The areas around the north and the south poles are called the Arctic and the Antarctic regions, respectively. The North Pole is at sea level, and Antarctica has the highest average elevation of all the continents on the planet, with the continent's highest peak at 16,066 feet. Antarctica is colder than the Arctic and claims the coldest air temperature ever recorded on Earth: -128F (-88ºC). Join our exclusive newsletter for the best cruise offers and news! Antarctica’s most famous residents, the delightfully clumsy penguins, can be easily spotted on land during the breeding season. In the Arctic, sea ice floes are prone to bump into each other, forming thicker ice and ridges - some up to 12 to 15 feet thick. The first difference between the Arctic and Antarctica is they’re located on opposite … 6 timely fun facts! In-between experiments, researchers can enjoy the superb Southern Lights or dig for ice to turn into shower water. You’ll also find walruses, narwhals and six species of seals – the polar bears’ favourite prey. The Arctic is just frozen ocean, with no land mass. If you dig less than a metre down into the tundra, you’ll find the soil is frozen solid. The difference between Antarctic and Antarctica stem from the fact that Antarctica is a continent within Antarctic region. The Antarctic is home to one entire continent, while the Arctic is made up of parts of eight different … With two layers of fur and a thick layer of fat, polar bears are able to withstand the fierce winters in the region. 2 Murray Street, Darling HarbourSydney NSW 2000, Australia. Because of conditions like these, there are only two flowering plants that can grow on the Antarctic Peninsula – the spiky Antarctic hair grass (Deschampsia antarctica) and Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis). Flora and fauna are very different at the Poles. Tundra is land that only defrosts a tiny bit on the top during the summer, but below that stays frozen all the time. Difference between Antarctic and Arctic. Differences Between the Arctic and Antarctic The term "Polar Opposites" surely originated from the North Pole and South Pole, but besides being on opposite sides of the planet, there are many other less-obvious differences between the poles. The Arctic Circle, the northernmost circle of latitude, cuts an invisible line through Northern Canada, Alaska, Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Greenland. The first difference between the Arctic and Antarctica is they’re located on opposite sides of the world. On any given day, the unpredictable waters could turn into the ‘Drake Lake’, where the serene waters seem almost glassy, or the ‘Drake Shake’, where the crossing is so turbulent most ships chain down their furniture for safety! Both regions experience connected phenomena known as the ‘midnight sun’ and ‘polar night’. Birds living in Antarctica include penguins, skuas, Wilson's petrel, fulmar and cape pigeons. The Arctic also boasts much more flora – nearly 1,500 difference species – than its icy southern counterpart. Not sure which polar destination is right for you? 5 reasons Why Reindeer in the Arctic are the coolest animals! There’s plenty more to discover about our polar regions at the museum! William Barents, a Dutch explorer, made three voyages in search of a passage and eventually discovered Spitsbergen. The Arctic ( or ) is a polar region located at the northernmost part of Earth. Antarctica is a continent devoid of human settlement, except for the over 50 research stations built there by 27 different countries. There are craggy mountain peaks and majestic glaciers aplenty, alongside the rugged Arctic tundra. From their fascinating wildlife to the stunningly rugged landscapes, each pole is packed to the brim with spectacular experiences. Being on opposite ends of the Earth means opposite seasons, though both regions encounter long, cold winters and short, cool summers. Plan ahead with Our New Flexible Reservation Policy and Travel Risk-Free, Poseidon Expeditions - your polar cruise operator. It also said the global mean sea level has increased by 3.3 millimetres per year on average since 1993. The Arctic vs. According to the National Snow & Ice Data Center, the different settings on these two extreme locations create very different ice conditions. This permafrost means that no trees can grow, giving the tundra a desolate look. Arctic and Antarctic glaciers, icebergs, and other ice trivia Glaciers and icebergs represent two of the most important facets of Earth's ecosystem. The temperature can dip to unimaginable lows in the winter, with the world’s coldest temperature – a bone-chilling -89.2°C – recorded at the Russian research centre in Vostok in 1983. The Arctic is not as cold as the Antarctic for two main reasons, firstly the effect of the sea that doesn't fall below -2°C which means that the whole of the arctic polar region and coastal regions are kept relatively warm even though the sea is covered by ice. ADVERTISEMENT. The tundra is also a breeding ground for various bird species, including the snow goose and peregrine falcon. Exploring the characteristics of cold environments and the threats that these areas face Antarctic It’s extremely cold in the polar habitats. Explorers in Antarctica. However, to this day, neither claim has been confirmed – or disproven – and both men are credited with being important Arctic explorers. Antarctica isn't home to any large land mammals whatsoever. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by ocean, while the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by continents. Early exploration of the Arctic started in the 1590s when European monarchs began their search for an alternate trading route to China. The Arctic has a vibrant population of 4 million people, including more than 40 indigenous communities with diverse historical and cultural backgrounds. Besides tourists, Antarctica’s main residents are researchers, with up to 4,000 people moving into the various science research stations during the summer period. Six indigenous organisations are listed as ‘permanent participants’ in the Arctic Council, sharing their expertise on issues such as biodiversity and climate management. Eskimo Bukta at Scoresby Sund in Greenland by David Doubilet. Fortunately for Arctic and Antarctic travelers, all polar expeditions take place during the summer months, when the weather in the Arctic and Antarctica is quite mild! Antarctic and Arctic are two regions on Earth. Treating earth as round, the top and bottom of the earth are regarded as the North Pole and the South Pole. Antarctica is a land mass even though much of it is buried under snow and ice. Whereas the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by continents. Land vs. water. Antarctica, on the other hand, does not have a permanent human population – imagine spending all year round in those challenging temperatures! Arctic vs Antarctic Travel Seasons. Both plants use the continent’s strong winds to pollinate, as there are no insects or birds! These are called ice caps, and they are located in the very centre of the Arctic and Antarctica. The first in terms of area is almost 2 times the last. When things get too cold, the bears can dig a cosy den in the snow and cover their nose to prevent heat loss. But the wildlife, landscape and local culture really sets the Arctic and Antarctic apart. The primary difference between the Arctic and Antarctica is geographical. Antarctica is mostly an ice sheet, with the south pole located some 800 miles from the sea. The Arctic is also home to walruses and puffins - neither of which are found in Antarctica. Their fur is also oily and water-repellent, which helps them keep warm and shake off any excess water or ice after swimming. Delicate Adelie penguins and proud Emperor penguins frequent the Peninsula, while Chinstrap, Gentoo and the eccentric-looking Macaroni penguin prefer the surrounding islands. The Arctic and Antarctica might seem quite similar at first glance: Mountainous, snow-covered landscapes and icebergs, whales, and nesting seabirds by the tens of thousands. It's the difference between arc and antarc, as in Atlas and Antiatlas.. the same but different. Download the Poseidon Expeditions brochure to get complete details on all of our Antarctic and Arctic expedition cruises. Antarctic vs Antarctica. The fauna is also not the same. Key Difference: The most obvious difference between Antarctic and Arctic is that Antarctic is located in the southern hemisphere and encompasses the South Pole region, whereas Arctic is located in the northern hemisphere and encompasses the North Pole region. Land vs. water. Another difference between the Arctic and Antarctica is that Antarctica’s ice deposits equate to about three-quarters of all the planet’s fresh water supply, whereas the Arctic doesn’t have nearly as much ice. Let the explorer lurking inside of you out of the box! The Arctic is absolutely teeming with wildlife. Poles apart. According to the NSIDC, during the winter, up to 6.9 million square miles of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the end of summer, only about 1.1 million square miles of sea ice remains. Because the Arctic Ocean is mostly covered by ice and surrounded by land, precipitation is relatively rare. The rich knowledge held by the indigenous people help influence the decisions of the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental body of the Arctic states. In the Arctic, land mammals such as polar bears, Arctic fox, Arctic reindeer, and Arctic hare are prevalent. These conditions are caused by the earth’s axial tilt, which means that one polar region tilts away from the sun during its wintertime. The glaciers, icebergs, ice sheets, and permanent areas of snow in the polar regions (the Arctic and Antarctica) comprise 1.7% of the total water on the planet. While Captain James Cook and his crew crossed the Antarctic Circle in 1773, they didn't set foot on or even see the continent itself. It would be many years – and many explorations – before Roald Amundsen would complete the first successful voyage through the Northwest Passage, from 1903-1905. Despite its lack of plant life, Antarctica is home to many species of animals including seals, whales, and many different kinds of p. enguins, such as gentoos, king penguins, and emperor penguins. While travelers visit both locales in their respective summer seasons, these seasons fall in different times of the year: Arctic expedition cruises run from May through September, and Antarctic expeditions from November through March. Experience a day in the life of Antarctic scientists as they research this mysterious continent through our virtual reality experience. Other differences include the temperature - it is much colder in Antarctica due to the fact that it sits entirely on a very thick ice sheet. Summer temperatures in the Arctic usually range between -3°C (26.6°F) and 10°C (50° … The primary difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic is a geological one. The Antarctic History & … The difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic is simply that in the Arctic, the North Pole is located in the middle of the ocean, whereas in the Antarctic, the South Pole is located on a continent completely covered by millions of cubic metres of ice. At a glance, the two extremes of planet earth seem almost identical – cold, snowy and untamed. My understanding of the difference between Arctic and Antarctic was piecemealed over the years by my own developing brain, which often made incorrect assumptions based on poor information and child logic. You can also take a walk along the museum’s foreshore where you’ll find Elysium Arctic, a stunning visual journey into the wonders of the Arctic. +61 2 9298 3777
The Arctic is largely sea, with the north pole over 400 miles away from the nearest land mass. A region with vaguely defined limits, it extends over six countries that border the Arctic Ocean: Canada, the USA (Alaska), Denmark (Greenland), Russia, Norway and Iceland. In January, temperatures at the Peninsula average 34ºF (1ºC). It is also one of the windiest - with wind speeds reach. While Arctic residents enjoy their midnight sun, the brave souls in Antarctica must face the polar night. Austral Summer, at the Earth's southernmost point, runs from November through February. So I guess that would be a main difference; they are both pretty chilly at times, long days and nights. Most animals in Antarctica are semiaquatic, resting on the ice before diving into the depths below to hunt for food. The Arctic is a sea of ice surrounded by land and located at the highest latitudes of the northern hemisphere. During polar night, the sun never rises, and with strong winds and extreme cold – most Antarctic bases close for the winter. These countries are collectively known as the Arctic states. It’s easy to imagine these snow-loving animals playing together among the ice, but in reality they have never met in the wild. Geography - Antarctica is a land mass, a continent. Think of it this way: the Arctic is an ocean that is almost completely surrounded by land; Antarctica is land completely surrounded by an ocean. Birds. Arctic. The closest continent, South America, is a staggering 970km away from the Antarctic Peninsula, with cruises leaving from the Argentinian town of Ushuaia (often called ‘The End of the World’). Snowfall tends to be low, except near the ice edge. The Arctic is at the North Pole, while the South Pole is found in Antarctica. Secondly, Antarctica is the highest of all the continents at an average height of 2,300m (7,546 feet or 1.4 miles) more than twice the average height of Asia, the next in line and 3-6 times as high as the other continents. The Arctic is an ocean, covered by a thin layer of perennial sea ice and surrounded by land. What’s more, whilst the Arctic ice is declining, the … … ("Perennial" refers to the oldest and thickest sea ice.) Want to go on a polar bear expedition? Privacy Policy. Open waters around Antarctica create conditions where ice can roam freely. However, Peary's discovery in 1909 was followed by news that Dr. Frederic A. Cook had actually reached the North Pole in 1908. Antarctica is the earth’s southernmost and fifth-largest continent, dividing the southern waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. But they are polar opposites – literally – and in many other ways you might not expect. The distance between the two polar regions is 20,117 kms (12,500 mi). Mid-December is the time when penguins begin hatching their chicks. Measuring 14 million square kilometres, the Antarctic ice sheet contains almost 99% of the world’s fresh water. Many countries have research facilities in Antarctica, but the continent belongs to no one, and many international treaties are in place to protect the land. Both these regions are cold and are covered with ice. The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by … Because of its remoteness, Antarctica can’t be legally owned by any country – instead, the continent is governed by an international treaty that was signed in 1959. Antarctic sea ice tends to be covered by thicker snow, which may accumulate to the point that the weight of snow pushes the ice below sea level, causing the snow to become flooded by salty ocean waters. Grimsey Island, a tiny outpost in the Arctic Ocean, has a population of just 61 people. The Arctic is the area around the North Pole and Antarctica is the continent at the South Pole. To celebrate our Virtual Reality (VR) experience of Antarctica and our free exhibition Elysium Arctic, we’ve investigated exactly what makes the Arctic and Antarctica so different, and so special. The terrain of the Arctic and Antarctica holds some major differences, most notably at the Poles themselves. One of the biggest differences between the poles has to do with people that reside there. January 19, 1840, marked the first time in recorded history that people walked on the southern-most continent when Charles Wilkes led a fleet of six ships from Virginia to Australia to Antarctica over the course of two years. But they are shaped by a thin layer of perennial sea ice shows less variability summer... Being the windiest, driest and difference between arctic and antarctic area on the ice before diving into the tundra a. Rises, and they are both pretty chilly at times, long days nights!, land mammals such as polar bears are able to withstand the fierce winters in 1590s! 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