Find a searchable list of all quest codes from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) below. Rescue from Fort Neugrad I am able to finish taking the cart and report to Hadvar. These quest IDs can be used in console commands such as the CompleteQuest cheat.. @matthawken: That's amazing! Wracked by civil war, and threatened by the return of the legendary dragons, Skyrim faces its darkest hour. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Digital Strategy Guide Redeem code for this guide Unlock full guide for $9.99 After speaking to the Legate, she will give out an assignment to go to The Rift. Here is a good overview of it. Taking out the Stormcloak guards advances it to the next step (Report to Halvar) but he still doesn't acknowledge you having done anything or say anything besides his usual responses. Note that this quest can be impossible if the quest The Forsworn Conspiracy is completed and the bug which makes the guards and Raerek hostile has become prevalent. 152. I really like it. If a way can be found to confront him with his belief, he may be persuaded to aid the cause. There is also a Persuasion check that will net some hefty coin if passed. Liberation of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute Chapter 6: Liberation of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute. At the Rift Imperial Camp, Legate Rikke informs the Dragonborn that the steward to the Jarl of the Rift, Anuriel, is involved with the Thieves' Guild. At the Rift Imperial Camp, Legate Rikke informs the Dragonborn that the steward to the Jarl of the Rift, Anuriel, is involved with the Thieves' Guild. I blackmailed Anuriel and received the mission to meet up with the men to take the cargo. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. CWMission07, Compelling Tribute is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In his dresser in his quarters, which are located in the northeastern wing, you will find Raerek’s Inscribed Amulet of Talos. Reluctantly, Raerek tells of a large, heavily guarded wagon filled with silver and weapons headed to Solitude. At the top of the stairs, you will need to head over to the right. What I did was I took off all of my heavy armor waited for the guy to go into the room and sneaked in after him. Return once again to Ulfric to earn your promotion and another token of his gratitude. 216. Location Discussion in 'Skyrim Help' started by Octopus, Dec 4, 2011. Compelling Tribute is a Quest in Skyrim. The next task is to gain intelligence by blackmailing Raerek, the Jarl's Steward, in the Understone Keep in Markarth. Legate Rikke is the Chief Legate of the Cyrodiilic Legion under General Tullius. Rikke is a Nord, and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Digital Strategy Guide Redeem code for this guide Unlock full guide for $9.99 Skyrim Special Edition; Fallout New Vegas; Oblivion; Fallout 3; The Witcher 3; Stardew Valley; Dragon Age: Origins; Monster Hunter: World; Morrowind; close. Locations []. Travel to Riften and go to Mistveil Keep. Compelling Tribute - Find evidence for blackmail. In here, you'll see the Jarl of Riften, the Stewart and two guards guarding the door behind them. Travel to Riften and go to Mistveil Keep. RAEREK SKYRIM in JORDAN. After speaking to the Legate, she will give out an assignment to go to The Rift. While speaking with Galmar Stone-Fist after the last successful mission, the commander tells the Dragonborn that the steward to the Jarl of the Reach, Raerek, secretly still worships Talos and is at least somewhat sympathetic to the Stormcloak cause. Quests. 2015-02-03T22:51:30Z Comment by Tim Grabowski. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After returning to the camp with the good news, Galmar will provide coin for a job well done and new orders. Travel back to the Rift Imperial Camp and report to Legate Rikke. Legate Rikke I blackmailed Anuriel and received the mission to meet up with the men to take the cargo. Most quest-related commands require the quest ID, and not the form ID. It has a grand total of 1550 for your gamerscore and a … CWMission07. I will then break out some fellow Legionnaires held capitive there and take over the fort. The Battle for Fort Sungard - As it sounds. I had the same issue because my stealth is not great. Stuck NPC (Anuriel) in Compelling tribute quest of Civil war questline I got the evidence to blackmail Anuriel and I got blackmail her by showing her it and she's like, Not here follow me, etc. Reward Jun 23, 2015 @ 8:51am COMPELLING TRIBUTE STUCK QUEST I am supposed to report back to ricke but it doesnt show a marker and when I travel to the rift camp, she isn't there. Liberation of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute Chapter 6: Liberation of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute. Reunification of Skyrim – Ongoing. Eventually she will inform the Dragonborn of a shipment of coin traveling to Windhelm. Octopus New Member. Compelling Tribute. Secondly, how do I blackmail Raerek? There may be two amulets inside the dresser. Rift Imperial Camp; Riften; Walkthrough []. Skyrim Wiki Guide with Quests, items, weapons, armor, strategies, maps and more. Rift Imperial Camp; Riften; Walkthrough []. Inside Riften, head through the town and to the keep.. Back at the Reach Stormcloak Camp, Galmar is pleased to hear of such a lucrative target and indicates that he has a scouting party already out in the field near the area the wagon should be located. Skyrim Forums. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim > General Discussions > Topic Details. NOTE: Since both of these forts can be given away during the main questline, either complete Civil War beforehand or give both forts to the faction that you side with. This section contains bugs related to Compelling Tribute (Stormcloaks). Galmar Stone-Fist has sent me to investigate the possibility of blackmailing Raerek. Approach Raerek and show him the amulet by talking to him, he will … This may be fixed by attacking Ralof once. Sneak into the room on the right which the objective marker is pointing to. A Daedras Best Friend. The Rift Imperial Camp where all Imperial activity in the Rift is coordinated. One can either follow the plan or charge and directly attack the Stormcloaks. 223. That fact could prove very embarrassing to her and beneficial to the Imperials. Compelling Tribute Quest help? Speak to Legate Rikke in the Rift camp. If you complete the Civil War questline … This may be fixed by reloading a save prior to attacking the Imperials. Rumor has it that Raerek, Jarl Igmund's uncle and Steward, is a faithful Talos worshiper but not at all a true Son of Skyrim. You may find multiple copies of Raerek's Inscribed Amulet of Talos in the chest and Raerek will only take one back. This quest belongs to the Stormcloak questline. Having completed your previous task, you are sent to the Rift Imperial Camp.Once there, you will need to report to Legate Rikke.She will tell you to head to Riften and into Mistveil Keep to find something on Anuriel.. Find evidence []. It makes me happy that it makes you happy, so we're both happy now I guess :D. 2015-02-01T07:57:18Z Comment by Matt Hawken Music. Skyrim Compelling Tribute. Community content is available under. The amulet may not appear in the dresser. No matter what she just keeps standing there after I show her the incriminating letter. The Reach; Walkthrough [] Find Evidence []. An Imperial Legion camp with a wagon shipment or armaments. Am I missing something? 217. The Battle For Fort Greenwall. After a successful campaign in Falkreath, Ulfric offers a covert mission to gain leverage in the Reach by using blackmail. Help with Compelling Tribute (Imperial) - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: After recieving the order to meet up with the men to take the caravan, the only response from them is their usual casual dialogue. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Locations []. This quest belongs to the Stormcloak questline. Upon reporting to Galmar, the Dragonborn is offered a covert mission of subterfuge and blackmail in Markarth as a means to gain leverage in The Reach. 1 Interactions 1.1 Joining the Legion 1.2 The Jagged Crown 1.3 Battle for Whiterun 1.4 A False Front 1.5 The Battle for Fort Dunstad 1.6 Compelling Tribute 1.7 The Battle for Fort Greenwall … Here is a good overview of it. The Main Quests of Skyrim present not one but two concurrent story arcs: the civil war between the Imperial legion and the rebellious Stormcloaks, and the YouTuber pm00 really does make the best video guides for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Travel to Markarth and make your way to the Understone Keep. However, if the Thane of the Rift title is held, walk on in freely without the guards noticing or caring. In order to get the 'War Hero' achievement, you'll have to complete a few objectives. Rikke will now give orders to meet up with the other legionares to take the shipment. 13. compelling tribute 30th of Last Seed, 4E 201 I’ve been ordered to blackmail Anuriel, the Jarl of Riften’s steward, to give us information about the Stormcloak movements. In his dresser in his quarters, which are located in the northeastern wing, you will find Raerek’s Inscribed Amulet of Talos. The next task is to gain intelligence by blackmailing Raerek, the Jarl's Steward, in the Understone Keep in Markarth. Rescue From Fort Kastav. Galmar Stone-Fist ... Ch 76 A Compelling Tribute - Josue Valjoux the Dragonborn; Ch 76 A Compelling Tribute - Josue Valjoux the Dragonborn. Saving in front of Hadvar and restarting the game fixes the problem. Chapter 7: Reunitfication of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. The Battle for Fort Greenwall Civil War quest I sided with the Stormcloaks, and I want to know how I can (if possible) complete the quest without stealing. Battle for Fort Windhelm. Riften Make your way to Markarth and then down into Understone Keep.Inside, head to the Northwest, up the stairs. 2015-02-01T07:48:30Z. Community content is available under. Moreover, how do you complete the reunification quest in Skyrim? When returning to report to Ralof after raiding the wagon, it may not be possible to speak to him. You may not find an Amulet of Talos in the chest, making the quest impossible to complete. ... Ch 76 A Compelling Tribute - Josue Valjoux the Dragonborn; Ch 76 A Compelling Tribute - Josue Valjoux the Dragonborn. She suggests that obtaining evidence of this involvement would be beneficial to the Legion in their campaign to regain the Rift. Next Quest Hey Guys, The next part to my stormcloak quest I hope this helps Once in possession of the letter, confront Anuriel. Rescue from Fort Neugrad - Rescue prisoners. If one chooses to stick to the plan, then the Dragonborn will go in and distract the Imperials while Ralof and his men follow the road to the southeast so that the Stormcloaks take down the enemy scout. The Reach is a hold in western Skyrim, with Markarth as its capital. Scott. - Compelling Tribute - Blackmail Anuriel or Raerek to keep their secret. How can I complete Compelling Tribute in Skyrim without stealing? Watch out for the guard that roams the hallways there when trying to sneak in. Martin Melody Law > Uncategorized > skyrim the reach quests. 217. 152. Compelling Tribute. 220. Joined: Dec 4, … He will give orders to go back to camp and report the progress to Legate Rikke. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, Note that this quest can be impossible if the quest The Forsworn Conspiracy is completed and the bug which makes the guards and Raerek hostile has become prevalent. Sneaking into the room and searching the dresser will reveal Raerek's Inscribed Amulet of Talos. This quest and Compelling Tribute (Stormcloaks) are different radiant versions of the same quest. Leveled I know I … Raerek's quarters are located in the northwestern wing of the keep and secured by an adept lock. Once the caravan is taken, report to Hadvar. The new base of operations is where Galmar Stone-Fist is awaiting with new orders. - During the civil war quest “Compelling Tribute” the imperials have been given a few more soldiers that will flank the stormcloaks in order to even the fight ... (TGIO) is a big gameplay overhaul that aims to make your skyrim experience more interesting, exciting, immersive, challenging, realistic and lore friendly, and balanced. Travel to Mistveil Keep in Riften, the Dragonborn finds a letter on the end table next to Anuriel's bed. Rescue From Fort Kastav. Type Compelling Tribute is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A Daedras Best Friend. Quests. Are you sure you want to remove this bookmark? Compelling Tribute The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. No, Compelling Tribute and Reunification of Skyrim are both quests from the Civil War quest line. Endorsements. No, Compelling Tribute and Reunification of Skyrim are both quests from the Civil War quest line. Compelling Tribute You can find out the stages of a specific quest with the command ShowQuestStages [Quest ID]. Skyrim is the fifth installment of the high fantasy series, Elder Scrolls by Bethesda. I am able to finish taking the cart and report to Hadvar. Compelling Tribute The Battle For Ford Dunstad The Battle For Fort Greenwall. Guards frequently patrol the halls at all hours, however Raerek will be attending to the Jarl throughout most of the day. Description. Leveled Loot from wagon chest Also, you'll have to complete the quest "Compelling Tribute". (meet her in her room after midnight) Check the drawer and collect the Incriminating Letter. It is possible to be attacked outside in Riften by three Stormcloak Soldiers; the people of Riften will fight the soldiers, and some of them may die (usually Bolli), as such it is recommended to dash over and kill them before they can do any damage. Prerequisite Travel back to the Rift Imperial Camp and talk to Legate Rikke and give her the information received from Anuriel. Description. The Battle for Fort Dunstad It is initially affiliated with the Imperial Legion, but can be captured by the Stormcloaks after completing Compelling Tribute and The Battle for Fort Sungard.It can also change sides as part of negotiations during Season Unending.. However, if the Thane of the Rift title is held, walk on in freely with… Compelling Tribute is a Quest in Skyrim.. Raerek is a secret devotee of Talos. January 19, 2021 . ok so how exactly do I get past the guard cause I can't sneak or go invisible and pick the lock cause the moment I get into the little area if I sneak he's like your trespassing and if I go invisible the moment I break a lock pick he starts shouting. She suggests that obtaining evidence of this involvement would be beneficial to the Legion in their campaign to regain the Rift. This is just awesome! Check the drawer and collect the Incriminating Letter. Agregar un comentario. Total views. In her bed chambers is a note from Maven Black-Briar, condoning the incarceration of herson. Faction Type Compelling tribute bug I've never had a issue with this mission before, but I have to find the talos amulet which is in the dresser, but when i pick it up, it doesn't update the quest ansni can't talk to him. The Battle for Fort Sungard - As it sounds. After a successful campaign in Falkreath Hold, Ulfric Stormcloak indicates that he needs every able bodied man to bolster his operations in the Reach. 219. Are you sure you want to remove this bookmark? Return to Legate Rikke. This may be fixed by walking along the path and killing one of the Imperial soldiers, triggering the next objective. Objective. The chest in the wagon will respawn and can be opened by lockpicking. A Night to Remember. Speak to Legate Rikke in the Rift camp. Legate Rikke has sent me to Fort Kastav. This section contains bugs related to Compelling Tribute (Imperials). Ralof indicates that they have actually been tracking the wagon for some time and that it has recently had an "accident" which has stopped the wagon in its tracks and will allow for an ambush. In here, you'll see the Jarl of Riften, the Stewart and two guards guarding the door behind them. Reward Sneak into the room on the right which the objective marker is pointing to. If Riften is given to the Imperials during Season Unending then this quest will not be given to you. Uncategorized. Compelling Tribute is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in which the Dragonborn must blackmail the steward of the Jarl of Riften to discover information pertaining to a shipment of Stormcloak supplies that must be intercepted. After a successful campaign in Falkreath , Ulfric offers a covert mission to gain leverage in the Reach by using blackmail. 0 0. When attempting to complete the objective "Meet the men," they may not appear and the quest marker points in the opposite direction. Issue with Compelling Tribute - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: I joined the Imperials this time around and I made it to the Compelling Tribute quest. The compelling evidence in question is Raerek's Amulet of Talos, which can be found in the dresser near the bed in his room. The Battle for Fort Sungard is brewing and needs fresh support to commence. If he saw me I would use the pillar in the middle of the room to reset his "alarmed" state. The terrain is very mountainous, containing the Druadach Mountains. Travel to the marker (near Shor's Watchtower) and meet up with Hadvar. 221. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Inside Riften, head through the town and to the keep.. While speaking with Galmar Stone-Fist after the last successful mission, the commander tells the Dragonborn that the steward to the Jarl of the Reach, Raerek, secretly still worships Talos and is at least somewhat sympathetic to the Stormcloak cause. The Battle For Fort Greenwall. Galmar Stone-Fist will tell you to go to the Understone Keep in Markarth. A Compelling Tribute . Compelling Tribute Fast travel to Riften and enter the Mistveil Keep. Skyrim Special Edition; Fallout New Vegas; Oblivion; Fallout 3; The Witcher 3; Stardew Valley; Dragon Age: Origins; Monster Hunter: World; Morrowind; close. After travelling to the Understone Keep in … Bugs . Raerek is a secret devotee of Talos. After reporting to the Legate, this quest is finished and marks the beginning of the next quest "The Battle for Fort Greenwall.". Battle for Fort Windhelm. Imperial Legion As Igmund's Steward, he might be able to provide important information and assets. When you get the quest from the stormcloaks it gives you a new quest called "Compelling Tribute" set this as your active quest. Any way to fix it Talk to her until she reveals the desired information. Skyrim is the homeland of the Nords, a fierce and proud warrior people who are used to the bitter cold and mountanous terrain that mark the lands of Skyrim. For other uses, see Legate Rikke. Travel to Mistveil Keep in Riften, the Dragonborn finds a letter on the end table next to Anuriel's bed. Travel to Markarth and make your way to the Understone Keep. You can later revisit the camp where you ambushed the rebels. Quest ID 219. 218. Quest Giver Reach Stormcloak CampUnderstone Keep Galmar Stone-Fist will tell you to go to the Understone Keep in Markarth. Faction Total views. The Battle for Fort Sungard To regain the Rift, complete Compelling Tribute and The Battle For Fort Greenwall. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. In order to regain the Pale, you'll need to complete A False Front and The Battle For Fort Dunstad. Civil War quest Journey to the Reach Stormcloak Camp to the west of Morthal and speak to Galmar. 221. The Reach; Walkthrough [] Find Evidence []. Once at the wagon, attacking the Imperials may give the Dragonborn a bounty. 222. Compelling Tribute - Find evidence for blackmail. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Galmar Stone-Fist is having me do the Compelling Tribute quest before liberating the Reach, however I'm kinda sorta wanted dead in Markarth for completing the No One Escapes Cidna Mine quest. Stormcloaks When I go to report to Rikke the mission will turn in like its supposed … However, threatened with the prospect of having his faith in Talos made public, Raerek bends his knee to demand as otherwise the Thalmor would imprison him and forever besmirch the Jarl's family name. Daedric Quests. Accosting him regarding his resistance to The Cause will garner his feelings that Ulfric is a dangerous man and that he is no friend of the Markarth to which Raerek is so unyieldingly loyal. Opening the chest in the back of the wagon will net a dozen or so silver ingots as well as other miscellaneous items and swords. Fuente s : Figured it out myself. Intro. NOTE: Since both of these forts can be given away during the main questline, either complete Civil War beforehand or give both forts to the faction that you side with. fallIng. The main quest is the one that involves battling the evil dragon, Alduin. Help with Compelling Tribute (Imperial) - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: After recieving the order to meet up with the men to take the caravan, the only response from them is their usual casual dialogue. This quest can be skipped if before its start, Markarth was surrendered to the Stormcloaks during the peace treaty of "Season Unending.". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Prerequisite - Dragonborn - Gjalund Salt-Sage - Elisif's Tribute - Elisif is pleased with your help and wants to give you a personal thank you. I've tried waiting, I've tried fighting her, I've tried using the enable, disable, resetAI, recylceactor console commands. Either way defeating the Stormcloaks will get the shipment. Reunification: Compelling Tribute Chapter 7: Reunitfication of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute. Make your way to Markarth and then down into Understone Keep.Inside, head to the Northwest, up the stairs. Taking both will continue the quest as normal. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, A Night to Remember. Jun 23, 2015 @ 8:51am COMPELLING TRIBUTE STUCK QUEST I am supposed to report back to ricke but it doesnt show a marker and when I travel to the rift camp, she isn't there. 218. Next Quest Remove this ad ... Skyrim is the homeland of the Nords, a fierce and proud warrior people who are used to the bitter cold and mountanous terrain that mark the lands of Skyrim. compelling tribute - posted in Skyrim Questions and Help: I cant get compelling tribute to start. I am to meet up with some scouts who will help me break into the fort's prison. I don't like having a bounty, so I avoid committing crimes where I can. Dismiss Notice; Cannot Report to Ralof in Compelling Tribute Quest. 222. The room is guarded by a … He says that the Jarl of Riften's steward, Anurial, is in league with the Thieves Guild. I got the evidence to blackmail Anuriel and I got blackmail her by showing her it and she's like, Not here follow me, etc. Once all the Imperials have been killed, Ralof will indicate that Galmar should be notified of the success and that a new wagon should be sent for the loot. It is possible to aquire a leveled amount of septims out of Raerek by choosing the persuasion option, which does not require a high level in Speech. He will not retaliate and a bounty will not be incurred. 216. Return to Legate Rikke. At the top of the stairs, you will need to head over to the right. Hope this helped. - Delayed Burial - Persuade Vantus Loreius or the guard to deal with Cicero and his wagon. I did this and somehow it did the reach liberation too when I followed through with the other crap. Location After neutralizing the scout, Ralof and his men will head to the top of the ridge to act as fire support, raining arrows down upon the Imperial guards and leaving them easy pickings for an assault if the Dragonborn chooses to engage them directly. Quest Giver Quest ID Endorsements. Skyrim: I can't complete the "compelling tribute" quest, can't talk to Ralof? 9 years ago. 220. Jul 28, 2019 - Anuriel is a Bosmer stewardess to Laila Law-Giver, Jarl of Riften. 223. Having completed your previous task, you are sent to the Rift Imperial Camp.Once there, you will need to report to Legate Rikke.She will tell you to head to Riften and into Mistveil Keep to find something on Anuriel.. Find evidence []. Compelling Tribute Fast travel to Riften and enter the Mistveil Keep. Issue with Compelling Tribute - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: I joined the Imperials this time around and I made it to the Compelling Tribute quest. As Laila Law-Giver's Steward, she might be able to provide important information and assets. The seat of power in Markarth is Understone Keep, hewn into the rock to the city's southwest. Reunification of Skyrim – Ongoing. 13. fallIng. Looting the caravan for goods and gold holds no ill effect. Locations []. skyrim the reach quests. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim > General Discussions > Topic Details. Compelling track Tim! He will tell of a plan for getting the shipment. Source(s): He asks the Dragonborn to find evidence of this in order to blackmail the steward. This can cause further complications by preventing the quest from later ebing completed when returning to Galmar. A small scouting party led by Ralof can be located by heading east up the road and past Broken Tower Redoubt. Rescue from Fort Neugrad - Rescue prisoners. Battle for Fort Amol. A Compelling Tribute . The main quest is the one that involves battling the evil dragon, Alduin. Makes me so happy! In order to do so, you must visit the Stormcloaks' camp in The Reach and complete the quests Compelling Tribute and The Battle For Fort Sungard. Compelling tribute bug I've never had a issue with this mission before, but I have to find the talos amulet which is in the dresser, but when i pick it up, it doesn't update the quest ansni can't talk to … Watch out for the guard that roams the hallways there when trying to sneak in. Journey to the Reach Stormcloak Camp to the west of Morthal and speak to Galmar. Daedric Quests. Legate Rikke has sent me to investigate the possibility of blackmailing Anuriel. This quest and Compelling Tribute (Imperial) are different radiant versions of the same quest. The Dragonborn has the choice to stick to Ralof's plan or take on the operation in their own fashion. Locations []. and then she just stands there. He asks the Dragonborn to find evidence of this in order to blackmail the steward. So I'm a stormcloak and I'm trying to liberate Skyrim. Intro. Afterwards, you'll rank up yet again and be gifted accordingly. and then she just stands there. First and foremost, you'll have to join the Imperial Legion to activate that questline. He says that the Jarl of Riften's steward, Anurial, is in league with the Thieves Guild. Battle for Fort Amol. Forums > Skyrim Discussion > Skyrim Help > Welcome to Skyrim Forums! By reloading a save prior to attacking the Imperials during Season Unending this. ; Ch 76 a Compelling Tribute compelling tribute skyrim start, how do you the... Jarl of Riften 's steward, Anurial, is in league with the Thieves Guild, Raerek... Looting the caravan is taken, report to Ralof 's plan or charge and directly the! This and somehow it did the Reach ; Walkthrough [ ] hallways there trying. To provide important information and assets later revisit the Camp with the news. Quest from later ebing completed when returning to the Reach by using blackmail front and Battle. Law-Giver 's steward, she will give orders to meet up with the other legionares take... A way can be opened by lockpicking never miss a beat the game fixes the problem assignment go! Your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat ) and up... Is coordinated her until she reveals the desired information operations is where Galmar Stone-Fist has me!... 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