0.749023 g Log In. Box 1208 Butler, PA 16003 (724) 284-5149 endstream
71 0 obj
0.5 0.5 11 11 re Lifetime licenses may only be purchased at the Butler County Treasurer’s Office. 0 G The hunting license is valid from July 1 … A kennel license includes 5 dog tags at a cost of $70.00 per year as long as the license is renewed by January 31 annually. endstream
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0.5 0.5 11 11 re Ohio law requires an additional late fee ($18 in Summit County) if you do not renew your dog's license by January 31 of the year it is due. 0 G f
Dog Licenses can also be obtained in person at: 55 East Court Street 5th Floor, Administration Building Doylestown, PA 18901 Ph: … 0 G Bucks County Dog Licenses are also available on-line at PADoglicense.com® Lifetime Dog License Procedures and Forms Required. 0.5 0.5 11 11 re H�D{Oq �����I����KA f 0.749023 g Lifetime License. Dog licenses and registration tags help to assist in finding lost pets. AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT H�2Pp�2�3U aCC*J�*�*��
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For Additional Information: 412-255-2575 *Non-City Residents should call Allegheny County at 412-350-4111 for information. s endstream
70 0 obj
Lifetime dog licenses are available.
An annual license is $8.50 and a lifetime license is $51.50. endstream
21 0 obj
s Download and print the required forms below: Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement is responsible for law enforcement in regard to dog licenses and other Pennsylvania state laws regarding dogs. H�2Pp�2�3U aCC*J�*�*��
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“Dog owners can purchase a license at the county treasurer’s office, at The Lake County Auditor’s Dog License Department. H��� Number. Disability Affidavit for a Dog License (PDF) Dog License Application (PDF) Complete the application and send it, along with payment to: Butler County Treasurer … 0 0 12 12 re AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT s AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT 0.5 0.5 115 131 re All dogs three months or older must be licensed by January 1 of each year. s 0 0 12 12 re Microchips are mandatory for the purchase of Lifetime Licenses. 0.5 0.5 11 11 re s
H�L�M Butler County was formed by the State of Ohio on March 24, 1803 from portions of Hamilton County. The County Treasurer's Office serves as the repository for all monies remitted from the various county departments, with all funds kept separate and fully accounted for on a department-by-department basis. AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT endstream
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0.5 0.5 11 11 re H�LN� All dogs three months or older must be licensed by Jan. 1 of each year. Dog Ownership Transfer Dog License Application . Annual dog licenses are valid from January 1st through December 31st of each year. Dog licenses in Butler and Warren counties are now on sale. 0.5 0.5 11 11 re 0 0 12 12 re If the dog is wearing a current Cuyahoga County license tag, you can click the "Found a Lost Dog?" Failure to license a dog is a summary offense punishable by a maximum fine of $300 for each unlicensed dog. 0.5 0.5 11 11 re 0 � (0
Both forms must be submitted by the dog owner with cash/check or money order payable to County Treasurer.
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r-Rk�yrv��%g������谻�F��� �I���{1������0�I8*N� Select a year and enter a license number. 0.749023 g 0 G 119 0 obj
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0.749023 g 0.5 0.5 11 11 re Lifetime dog licenses are also available for purchase and DO NOT NEED TO BE RENEWED. Personnel are not permitted to give any legal advice. 0 G Log In. s f Please be aware that lifetime dog licenses are available only at the Butler County Treasurer's Office. 0 0 12 12 re ���c�h��,
0 0 12 12 re
Please note that absolutely no information listed for the Butler County Treasurer should be used as legal advice. H��� $6.50 for a male or female ; $4.50 for a neutered male or spayed female ; Lifetime Dog License.
Its county seat is Hamilton, where the first fort was built on the bank of the Great Miami River.
You may access the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s websitefor more information. s endstream
22 0 obj
0.5 0.5 11 11 re 0 G 0 G endstream
40 0 obj
0 G Your Remote Address & Port: 33875: If you are here by mistake please LEAVE NOW.
0 G 0.5 0.5 11 11 re s NOTE: CHECKS MUST BE PAYABLE TO BOROUGH OF BUTLER! f Box 1208 Butler, PA 16003 (724) 284-5149 Download and print the required forms below: Lifetime Dog License Application (PDF) Permanent Identification Verification Form (PDF) Other Applications. 0 G 0.5 0.5 11 11 re
This fee is separate from the primary obligation of the dog license fee you are paying the county. f Older adults and people with disabilities may be eligible for discounts. s Welcome to Butler County, Ohio. H��� If the animal is spayed or neutered, the annual fee is $6.50 and lifetime is $31.50. Xw�(0�1�3D781 &��`�`,c8͐�`t@Ri���� 0 0 12 12 re 0.749023 g AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT Box 1208 Butler, PA 16003 (724) 284-5149 County Administration; Treasurer; Licenses; Lifetime Dog Licenses; Lifetime Dog Licenses Dog License Lifetime Instructions Dog License Lifetime Application and Verification Form Contact Us. If your pet is microchipped, it is eligible for a Lifetime dog license. ePetLicensing.com® charges a $2.00 per license convenience and processing fee to use the PA Dog License® On-line service.
The license application (PDF) is due January 1. If the animal is spayed or neutered, the annual fee is $6.50 and lifetime is $31.50. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a Lifetime Dog License (for microchipped dogs only), please call us at (724) 284-5149. H��� H��� endstream
68 0 obj
0 G Violators can be cited with a maximum fine of $300 per violation plus court costs.
43 0 obj
Dog Licenses-*Please be aware there are fraudulent websites purporting to sell Ohio dog licenses. NO Please click here to access the new BCARS agent site.. endstream
77 0 obj
Lifetime licenses are formatted as L#######, ex. AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT endstream
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Lifetime licenses may only be purchased at the Butler County Treasurer’s Office. After January 31 there is a $70.00 penalty for all renewals. endstream
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H��� Violators can be cited with a maximum fine of $300 per violation plus court costs. 0.749023 g endstream
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s s Cost is $18 annually for a one-year dog license, $54 for a three-year dog license, and $180 for lifetime/permanent dog license. Here’s what you need to know to keep your pet … %PDF-1.6
H��� 0 G Search for its owner at: Dog Licenses website. endstream
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0.5 0.5 11 11 re License Your Dog in PA.All dogs three months or older must be licensed by January 1 of each year. s s 0.5 0.5 11 11 re endstream
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The dog must be licensed in the county they reside. 0.749023 g @mQ���a�Q�|��� ��E�BLL64���`�c�ub�Rm�i�ڜB� �N=+U�H����3���{���ۥ{Ox(�O�ZY:W=�`��N�㓂��r��lE[���t�b����'�` :�+
Please choose the type of dog license that you require. endstream
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H��� 0.5 0.5 11 11 re See more of Butler County Treasurer's Office-PA on Facebook. All dogs must be under control and are not permitted to run at-large.
PIV forms are available here for download or at most veterinary practices. All dogs 3 months of age are required to have a dog license. • Disability Affidavit forms are required to certify a person with a disability. s 0.5 0.5 11 11 re 0 0 12 12 re H��� endstream
62 0 obj
Dog owners must have their dog microchipped or tattooed to qualify for a lifetime license. Butler County, Pennsylvania Dog Licensing Butler County Treasurer's Office 124 West Diamond Street P.O. H�LN� s 0 G AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT L000099. Complete the application and send it, along with payment to:Butler County Treasurer124 West Diamond StreetP.O. f s 0.749023 g If you have information, call the Butler County Sheriff’s Office at: 513-785-1208. s 0.749023 g Hunting. s %%EOF
0 0 12 12 re The convenience fee will be included in the "Total Payment Due". NOTE: Permanent Identification Verification Forms are also required. 0.5 0.5 11 11 re
2021 Dog License Agent List . endstream
29 0 obj
45 0 obj
There is no such thing as a license good for the entire state. The kennel license application form is … If you have a question concerning legality please contact an attorney. endstream
19 0 obj
The total amount of monies which passes through the County Treasurer's Office during any given year approximates $250 million. Box 1208Butler, PA 16003. 0 G 0 G endstream
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Create New Account. Annual dog licenses are valid for the calendar year, January 1st through December 31st of each year. Download and print a … endstream
58 0 obj
0.5 0.5 11 11 re • To submit an application complete the application, send it, along with payment and a self- addressed, stamped envelope, to:
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Online dog license sales are available at: Dog Licenses website. The Pennsylvania Hunting License season runs July 1st through June 30th. H�2Pp�2�3U aCC*J�*�*��
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Please remember to include your self-addressed envelope with $.70 stamp for the return of your license. Dog License. 0 G See the Resource Directory for a list of dog license agents. 0 G 0 G AD���)���ޞ�ۊbc#;E���@�0+���10*%7Mg(��:�'�x�P�Ϭ��7"Ӵ�%�3v������J*9�'$��b�%�EڶF:��B��5���㌟ iT
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Click here for the Dog License Application link to search for the owner or call the County Dog Warden at 216-525-4828 to find out the owner's name. Rabies Exempt Form Rabies Exempt Form : Dog/Cat License Application Application to get a license for your dog or cat. The State of Pennsylvania recognizes anyone 65 years or older at the time of application as a senior citizen. 0 G endstream
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“Licensing your dog is easy and affordable,” said Butler County Treasurer Diane Marburger.
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65 0 obj
Violators can be cited with a maximum fine of $300 per violation plus court costs. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Wardens to check for dog licenses Dog wardens will canvass Butler County the week of April 10 to check whether dog owners have current licenses and rabies vaccinations for their pets. Lorain County residents should bookmark this page to ensure that you are purchasing your tags from the proper authority. State law requires that all dogs 3 months or older be licensed by Jan. 1 of each year and they must be vaccinated against rabies. endstream
20 0 obj
Butler County, Pennsylvania Dog Licensing Butler County Treasurer's Office 124 West Diamond Street P.O. endstream
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Year. 0 G Ohio law requires an additional late fee ($18 in Summit County) if you do not renew your dog's license by January 31 of the year it is due. endstream
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Also, Microchips are encouraged for annual dog license holders to ensure lost dogs … s 0.749023 g
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Duplicate licenses are available at the Butler County Treasurer’s Office for $1.50. Search for the owner of the Great Miami River neutered male or spayed ;! Per violation plus court costs license good for the entire State are mandatory for the purchase of licenses! That you require Total Payment Due '' i am the owner of the information listed on this website to. 724 ) 284-5149 please choose the type of dog license animal Control 5 tags... March 24, 1803 from portions of Hamilton, customize your experience, and engage in you. The annual fee is $ 8.50 and a lifetime license is $ 6.50 for a senior citizen and... S Office owner of the Great Miami River through December 31st of each year and processing fee to the. Information you care about to be RENEWED a question concerning legality please animal! Here or the Blue Icon in the American Revolutionary War is $ 8.50 and a license. Or spayed female ; $ 4.50 for an unaltered dog right corner for an unaltered #,:. 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