I knew I wanted to teach and in 2014 I applied for my first teaching role here at Bedford College because it had a good reputation for teaching and could allow me to take a change of direction. For instance, I’ve already been put through my minibus training and first aid training. Bedfordshire Police. Bedford College is a further education college offering a wide range of full-time and part-time courses, undergraduate study and apprenticeships. In 2011/12 the College spent a total of £215,000 on staff development, and a further £300,000 was committed in terms of staff time and … Long overdue. The campus is located west of Egham, Surrey, 19 miles (31 km) … In 2011/12 the College spent a total of £215,000 on staff development, and a further £300,000 was committed in terms of staff time and participation. âI was working at another college before I started here, as a Head of Department for Music and Performing Arts. There was also great support when I started here. In 1900, it became a constituent of the University of London.Having played a leading role in the advancement of women in higher education and public life in general, it became fully coeducational (i.e. Log In. Bedford College is a well-established (since 1944) not for profit, training organisation, registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver nationally recognised training courses in New South Wales. Talk to students and staff, see for yourself what we have to offer and what makes Bedford College different than other training providers. open to men) in the 1960s. the College has a long-standing reputation for excellence in training in a small, caring, Christian environment. The College gives you flexibility in terms of how you want to work and deliver your work â there is an ethos of trust because they believe people come to work to do a good job. The Bedford Sixth Form. âItâs that typical interview question,â says Gemma. For over 70 years, Bedford College has provided students with leading vocational training. At Bedford, we are extremely proud of our College and the standard of service that we provide; visitors commonly tell us that they can feel that ‘special something’ as soon as they come through the front door. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 587.000+ postings in Bedford, PA and other big cities in USA. We believe everyone here has a part to play in doing all we can to further the success of our students and we value each and every member of staff. Staff development. What makes us special? Staff sickness averaged 3.4 days per staff member, while short term absence was only 1.2 days per staff member. Bedford College devient mixte dans les années 1960. Bedford College is a further education college located in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. Having previously worked in hairdressing and retail, Gemma got a job in Student Data for a year and then moved to Brooks Hair & Beauty as a Centre Administrator. Our dedicated business training pages are designed to meet all your staff development needs. Bedford College is a further education college offering a wide range of full-time and part-time courses, undergraduate study and apprenticeships. Bedford College data taken from 2012 Equality & Diversity Report; local population data based on combined figures of latest population estimates by Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council. The team here is more relaxed than I have experienced before, so it was easy to fit in and everyone was very welcoming, but also really keen about what they do which is great. Title: Bedford College Staff Conference 2017, Author: The Bedford College Group, Name: Bedford College Staff Conference 2017, Length: 21 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2017-06-19 . In line with many colleges across the UK, Bedford College and neighbouring Tresham College, discussed the possibility of a more collaborative approach to education, aiming to ensure the best possible service to the local communities within … Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on WhatsApp; Share via Email; Copy Link; Link Copied! People. Ian Pryce, principal and CEO of Bedford College responded to the news yesterday (Friday), saying: “The college is keen to ensure our staff and students can get mass testing, and to organise this on our campuses, so we welcome the announcement in principle. Bedford College, Bedford, United Kingdom. Bedford College is a well-established (since 1944) not for profit, training organisation, registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver nationally recognised training courses in New South Wales. Education. His passion for working outdoors has seen him enjoy a number of exciting roles and he is now passing his passion on to his students, teaching all levels of Public Services students here at the College. The Bedford College Group includes Cauldwell Street campus, Shuttleworth College, The Bedford Sixth Form, as well as Tresham’s Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough campuses and The National College for Motorsport in Northamptonshire. Back in England I took a job teaching Outdoor Education and Sport at another FE college. Bauer, who scored 24 goals over his career at Bedford High School, is looking forward to learning from Atlanta’s veteran defenders like Miles Robinson. We can also offer you advice if you are an employer who is responsible for staff training. About The Bedford College Group. Director of the Arts, Toby Clark and lecturer Phil Romeo chose the UK finalists who will represent the UK at the international finals being held in Kazan, Russia in August 2019. I was keen to apply for this job at Bedford College as I had heard good things about it from some friends. See more of Bedford College on Facebook. Shopping & Retail. The College has an extremely strong commitment to staff development in order to ensure that all staff are skilled and equipped to provide the best possible experience for all learners. However, she always knew she wanted to work in HR. … Bedford College are a long-standing user of Tribal’s benchmarking service, with it firmly integrated as part of the college’s ongoing cycle of performance improvement. Sources:
Email: enquiries@shuttleworth.ac.uk Tel: 01767 626222. BEDFORD COUNTY, Pa (WTAJ)— To help boost vaccination progress in the area, staff from a Bedford County School District began receiving vaccine doses Monday. Reviews from BEDFORD COLLEGE employees about BEDFORD COLLEGE culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Response by Bedford College to Julia Owen on 5 December 2016. The messaging on the materials included instructions on how students and staff could remain a safe distance apart, use correct hand washing and sanitising techniques and use one-way systems around … You’ll find our staff very friendly and more than happy to assist and advise you on the opportunities and options available to … Student life & enhancement; Travelling to College It’s a place where things talked about in your interview do actually become a reality.”. The Bedford College Group is in the process of rolling out a mass COVID-19 testing programme for staff and students across our Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire campuses (Bedford, Old Warden, Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough). Shuttleworth College Old Warden Park Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 9DX. The Jobs Hub. You could tell the whole College was going in the right direction and there are also plenty of progression opportunities, which is very attractive. The Bedford College Sixth Form became the biggest A Level college in the area with record numbers progressing to our best Universities. I feel supported, valued and listed to in my role. Times of College day; Term and holiday dates; Emergency College Closure Procedure; Governor Information (External) Key Stage Results; Ofsted Reports; Performance Tables; Policies; Pupil Premium and Catch Up Grant; Safeguarding and E-Safety. Title: Bedford College Staff Conference 2017, Author: The Bedford College Group, Name: Bedford College Staff Conference 2017, Length: 21 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2017-06-19 . C'est le premier établissement d'enseignement supérieur universitaire réservé aux étudiantes au Royaume-Uni. A typical day would involve the assistance of individuals who wished to peruse an education within Bedford or Shuttleworth College, and this was achieved by answering the various emails that were received throughout the day and distributed throughout the office staff, answering the phones and seeing individuals personally. We offer a range of benefits for employees of The Bedford College Group. âWhere do you see yourself in five years' time? Cons - Pay is lower compared to similar roles nationally. Find your course; Applying; Open Days; Fees and funding; International students; Studying abroad ; Foundation Year; Placement Year; Your future career; Find your why; Central London campus; Prospectuses and brochures; For parents and supporters; Schools and colleges; Sign up for more information; Find the right course. “I had taught Outdoor Education for some time, before a break in instructing saw me work on the construction of the Go Ape courses and also live and work out in Bermuda. About See All. About Bedford College University Overview. “And all this in a year dominated by Covid-19. The Bedford College Group is committed to the safeguarding of its learners and believes that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is every employee’s responsibility. The friendly, caring, atmosphere that abounds makes everyone feel special. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. External Staff Portal; External Student Portal; Home; Our College. Public & Government Service. Law Enforcement Agency. Academy Documents; Catering; Dates & Times. Bedford College, Bedford, United Kingdom. 01767 626222. Even here our staff and students showed their outstanding qualities. Related Pages. They are committed to training students who will go into the workforce as confident, highly skilled, literate, flexible individuals who are responsive to the ever-changing needs of … Harpur Shopping Centre . As an alternative, you can register for their talent pool to be kept in the loop about future jobs at Bedford College. Login; About; News; Open Days; Hire facilities; Student support; Careers advice; Downloads; Locations; Jobs; Contact; Subject areas. English and maths are part of every full-time student’s study programme, so if they come to College without the required GCSE grades, they have to study and resit their GCSEs here at College. Bedfordshire … Contact our Course Adviser. open to men) in the 1960s. We specialise in helping organisations like yours to improve their performance and productivity by delivering tailored training solutions to develop the skills of your staff. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Bedford College principal & CEO, Ian Pryce. Bedford College was founded in London in 1849 as the first higher education college for women in the United Kingdom. When the role for Recruitment Coordinator came up, she went for it, got the job and has now been promoted to HR Advisor. Page Transparency See More. At its Thursday night meeting, the Bedford County … 11K likes. KEY DATES Bedford College Open Day Wednesday 21 June 2017 5.00pm-8.00pm Bedford College Staff Conference Thursday 6 July 2017 Shuttleworth College Bedford College Open … Welcome to Shuttleworth College Set within the stunning location of Old Warden Park, Shuttleworth College offers a wide variety of full-time and part-time courses, making full use of the natural resources available, which include parkland, farm land, lakes and woodland. “I was keen to work within the Creative Arts department as I really liked the ethos when I came for interview. In this section. Long overdue. Director of the Arts, Toby Clark and lecturer Phil Romeo chose the UK finalists who will represent the UK at the international finals being held in Kazan, Russia in August 2019. Bedford College is a further education college offering a wide range of full-time and part-time courses, undergraduate study and apprenticeships. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on WhatsApp; Share via Email; Copy Link; Link Copied! The College has an extremely strong commitment to staff development in order to ensure that all staff are skilled and equipped to provide the best possible experience for all learners. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Campus Building. Bedford Esquires. Our Staff. Toby and Phil worked alongside WorldSkills Chief Expert Mike Spence to identify the … Education . History. Flag … Useful links. Construction & Building Services - Bedford College Group. In the same period, teaching staff undertook an average of 3.4 days of professional development. I was assigned a mentor, and the Collegeâs Big Picture event was a great introduction to the College as a whole.â. 2010/11 Staff Survey. “I liaise and manage all EQA visits for a variety of awarding bodies, ensuring staff are prepared and visits are managed in a professional manner.” Alongside her role as Course Manager, Bev is also … Bedford College is a great place to work. In particular we wish to be recognised as:-the leading advocate for learning within the local community with strong and productive links with other partners-a … Helpful (4) Flag as Inappropriate Flag as Inappropriate. I am part of a team of three, but also part of the much wider College team. Undergraduate ; Whether you are leaving school, interested in degree-level courses, want to study part-time to improve your job prospects, or would just like to take up a new activity, we want you to understand what it is that makes Bedford College such a great place to study. 27 Dec 2020 23:59. Whether you are a recent school leaver or a mature age student, we know you’re ready for your next adventure and we want to support you and see you succeed. Bedford Creative Arts. Universities and employers agree that Bedford graduates set the benchmark by which early childhood education graduates are measured. 2020/21 Autumn: 7 September – 18 December Half term / Reading week: 26 October – 30 October Spring: 4 January... Read more Terms dates. - Good role for developing communication and other soft skills along with specialist skills in tutoring, mentoring and guidance. For me, it was in HR and I actually managed it in only three!â. Shuttleworth College can offer you a great range of vocational courses with a focus on the great outdoors - all within a stunning natural setting of parkland, farmland, lakes and woodland. Customer Contact Team 01234 291000. Here are the most recent Bedford College jobs, for you to explore and apply to. The College has an extremely strong commitment to staff development in order to ensure that all staff are skilled and equipped to provide the best possible experience for all learners. Page created - September 23, 2011. Our mission. Why choose us? Read more Bradford College staff benefits. Forgot account? Our training strategies and our exceptional teaching staff provide students with the … Our … I studied for my degree in Education & English at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln before completing my PGCE (teaching qualification) at the University of Huddersfield. 304 people follow this. In January 2005, Central Virginia Community College began offering classes to the residents of the city and county of Bedford at a new, state-of-the-art facility in the Bedford Center for Business. Principal & Chief Executive Ian Pryce CBE. Richard came to Bedford College from another FE college, but has not always been in education. In return, they become part of a passionate and friendly team and … 11 K J’aime. A Bedford County Public Schools staff member died this week due to complications from COVID-19. www.bedford.ac.uk. 2010/11 Staff Survey. Additional annual leave – employees can purchase an additional week of annual leave for 2% of salary. His passion for working outdoors has seen him enjoy a number of exciting roles and he is now passing his passion on to his students, teaching all levels of Public Services students here at the College. Staff Intranet eTrackr Personal Learning Plan Our Personal Learning Plan system enables students to view the stages of their personal learner journey during study programmes throughout the year. Poor HR Poor staff benefits Many errors and old queries not sorted Nobody is taking responsibility No training No support from managers No appreciation Very low pay No training No career opportunities NOT ENOUGH PARKING SPACES!!! Degree-level learning HND Art images were produced by the students in response to a commission from Bedford Hospital. Staff links and resources . Bedford College. Competitive salary. If you think this college would be a good fit for you, join the Bedford College staff by applying today! Education support staff; Education assistant (special needs, language/literacy, cultural support) Home tutor; School Age Care Assistant (vacation care, OOSH, kindergarten) And many more; Related Industry Sectors. Key contacts. Bedford College Self-Assessment Report 2011/12. Bedford College is a great place to work. Moodle Use your staff IT username and password to... Read more Staff links and resources. Bedford College vacancies cover a range of fields with roles as a teacher/lecturer in construction, computing, plumbing, engineering and agriculture to name a few. Title: Bedford College Staff Conference 2017, Author: The Bedford College Group, Name: Bedford College Staff Conference 2017, Length: 21 pages, Page: 16, Published: 2017-06-19 . Student intranet Staff intranet. Bedford College is the leader in early childhood education and care training. That’s probably one of the best things about working here – having your efforts recognised. Bedford College was founded in London in 1849 as the first higher education college for women in the United Kingdom. The Bedford College Group initially ordered social distancing floor and carpet stickers, window clings, posters, and directional A-boards, using our stock designs that can be used across a variety of sectors. - Friendly staff with a diverse and welcoming environment. Create New Account. Bedford College aims to be one of the best general further education colleges in the country, offering courses at all levels from entry level to higher education. Terms dates. 27 March 201 Bedford Public Schools prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, marital status, or disability as defined in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Office for National Statistics report: 'Sickness Absence in the Labour Market, April 2012'. Welcome to Bedford. Premium Job. Bedford College Group. Laura joined the team in September 2015 as an English Teacher. BCS will provide a suite of services for staff and students and build a range of commercially viable activities and services to external customers, utilising the college’s assets for … Bedford College Self-Assessment Report 2011/12. More information; Meet our staff. Gemma studied for her Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications in Business Administration and then self-funded her HR Level 3 CIPD while she was still working as a Centre Administrator. Generous annual leave entitlement – starting at 25 days for support staff and more for teachers, plus bank holidays. I am based in the sports department and frequently take students out for canoeing and kayaking. Bedford and Tresham colleges formally merged on August 1st 2017 to form The Bedford College Group. The artwork should have been installed in various rooms in the hospital but the pandemic halted the plans. Our industry connections and formal university pathways … From your first day as a student you’ll feel at home. Can purchase an additional week of annual leave – employees can purchase an additional of! Managed it in only three! â it username and password to Read... Day as a student you ’ makes all the difference. ” the team in September 2015 as an Teacher! 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