Movies like Rosemary's Baby, Audrey Rose and the Exorcist put to shame bad movies like the Omen and other stinkers. Anthony Hopkins was just starting to get the 'meatier roles', his 'Magic' would come out a year later. Audry Rose was named in honor of my late Nana, a woman of elegance & originality, who was decades ahead of her time. 10 on 10. Apparently it did the trick for him, but Audrey Rose is nearly unwatchable primarily because of his over the top performance. The main problem with the film is the acting. FAQ See the film for her performance! Findlay, OH, is where Audrey Karhoff lives today. Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2015. Audrey has 4 jobs listed on their profile. You can still see all customer reviews for the product. Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. Anthony Hopkins makes a compelling turn as Elliott Hoover, a man distraught over the tragic loss of his family convinced that the soul of his late daughter, Audrey Rose, has reincarnated itself in the daughter of an affluent New York couple named Ivy(Susan Swift). I'm not quite sure what another reviewer on here is even referring to about being "whiny" at all. Then things inexplicably spiral out of control. A drawn-out story: Like I already said, the story of Audrey Rose revolves around the idea of reincarnation. This is a very unsettling, intelligent, and haunting movie. One day Ivy's mom notices a strange and sad-looking man watching Ivy on the street corner. Besides, the actors are not that brilliant and it's one of the poorest works of Anthony Hopkins (as far as I remember). And, Susan, who played Audrey, did a fabulous acting job too. I remember watching this in the theater when it originally came out in the 70s. I remember seeing the film on it's opening day way back in 1976. This is clearly a drama about reincarnation that is spiritual, thought provoking and sad. Twilight Time's Limited Edition Blu-Ray for AUDREY ROSE is sadly disappointing. This movie absolutely terrified me. Our curated collection features original designs with ethically sourced stones — many one of a kind. Audrey Rose J+. Things kinda settled down by the ending. ", Wonderful acting, especially by Anthony Hopkins and Marsha Mason, Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2017. The audience sees everthing and everyone through her eyes. Ivy Templeton is a preteen girl living in New York City in the 1970's. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in, Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2016. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates. Making a fantastic debut, Susan Swift is quite remarkable in the dual roles of Ivy Templeton and Audrey Rose Hoover. Last Saturday TCM was showing Robert Wise's "The Haunting" on its "The Essentials" series. As far as classic horror movies go, I'm pretty shocked that not only had I not watched this, but I hadn't even HEARD of it. After the film co-hosts Robert Osborne and Drew Barrymore discussed their favorite horror films. No surprise that Anthony Hopkins is also incredibly good in this film as the mourning father of Audrey Rose. Part supernatural drama, part courtroom drama, part Crazy Frog lookalike competition, but absolutely no horror. Incredible, such a story that you read once and remember for ever. Audrey Rose has been categorized as a horror film by several reviewers, but it is not a horror film. A stranger attempts to convince a happily married couple that … The plot is weak, at best, and even if you dive into the depths of reincarnation theory, it makes little sense at all. Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2017. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Directed by Robert Wise. Reviews of Audrey Rose. Perhaps that is why her parents seem oddly underwhelmed by the mishaps that befall her in the film. Of course, the Templetons think this stranger, named Elliot, is a madman. Oy. Awards I only wish I had seen this years before but better late then never. alimentation bien être coaching food map Thank God. I can see why someone would like this film. Even admitting reincarnation does exists, the heroine's story doesn't make a whit of sense on any level or plane of reality you can name. I watched it alone one night and that was a very big mistake. It is another film from the famed director that, in my eyes, is very memorable and atmospheric. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for For Love of Audrey Rose at The premise of Audrey Rose seemed interesting and I love both Robert Wise and Sir Anthony, so I decided to give it a try. it gave me shiver I appreciate the individual contributions to this film more now, and I'm not sure why. Metacritic Reviews. But now that I've seen it again as an adult, I can't believe I ever thought it was a good movie. Marsha Mason & Susan Swift are the worst offenders, making their performances laughable at best. Now some 45 years later I revisit the film again for the first time, here on Prime. Whereas Anthony Hopkins is a compelling presence stating an interesting case in an interesting way, John Beck, as Ivy's biological father, is clearly a studmuffin-with-buns-of steel-of-the-month actor whose part demands nothing more than the ability to look tough, use his fists occasionally and remain an uncompromising and uncomprehending lantern-jawed heel from beginning to end. External Reviews He begins to stalk the family and they believe he may want to molest or attack Ivy. I discovered it while looking at some list of classic horror flicks. My favourite is the trial scene, as an Indian guru takes the stand as an expert witness on reincarnation. I saw the movie last night, and I have to say that I was shocked by the poorness of the plot, the bad acting and the absence of the director touch; the producers tried to get a good hit with a really low budget, and it would be interesting to know how the film did in 1977. This was probably very difficult for the actress to pull off so considering that, it was a very convincing scene in the film. Robert Wise has always been able to absorb the spirit of his times without being subservient to it (e.g. A stranger (Anthony Hopkins) attempts to convince a happily married couple that their daughter (Susan Swift) is actually his daughter reincarnated. ... 218 reviews. Barrymore mentioned "Audrey Rose". The really sad part is that there are no winners in Audrey Rose, as Ivy's parents and Elliot Hoover must face the possibility of each losing their only child, as she is caught in a tug of war between them. This movie is a bit scary, and I would have preferred a different ending (I won't spoil it for you). A man is convinced that a young girl is the reincarnation of his own daughter Audrey Rose, who died in a fiery car accident, along with his wife, two minutes before the girl was born. Dec 09, 2013. The picture quality is decent, but hardly a big improvement over the previous DVD release. Robert Wise's unobtrusive Direction is an asset. A couple become bothered by this guy who is convinced that their daughter Audrey Rose is actually the reincarnation of his daughter. At the time, I thought it was great and very haunting. However, hardly anybody seems to remember a 1977 film called "Audrey Rose." Robert Wise may have directed "West Side Story" and "The Sound of Music." I do find it interesting how similarly the movie deals with a possessed daughter and distraught mother as "The Exorcist" did, albeit with much less violence and gore. Until a strange man enters into her family's life claiming that she is the reincarnation of his deceased daughter. But the thing that dates the movie the most and definitely relegates it to the putrid pile of 70's "new age crap" is the fact that, nowadays, the person who would be put on trial for murder is the irresponsible hypnotist quack whose work we are asked to respect and take seriously. Author Frank De Felitta crafts a terrific script based on his book emphasizing plot and characterization. The story centers around a Janice (Marsha Mason) and Bill (John Beck) Templeton, a New York city couple who have a wonderful daughter named Ivy. I love classic horror, well really paranormal in this case, and in this 1975 work by Frank De Felitta, AUDREY ROSE a first time read and nice surprise. This appalling example of paranormal mumbo jumbo marked Anthony Hopkins first major attempt to move from the small screen and the stage to Hollywood. About 3 or 4 years ago I bought the novel Audrey Rose at a fair because the summary at the back seemed interesting. Summary: Audrey Karhoff's birthday is 01/02/1995 and is 26 years old. Genres: Horror, Thriller. As someone born in the 80's, the 70's of it all was very interesting as well. In my opinion, the script was simply lacking, as if someone said, "Hey, reincarnation is interesting enough to keep 'em watching. Rated the #227 best film of 1977. Some 375 miles way in New York City two minutes later on 8:22 AM Janice Templeton, Marsha Mason, gives birth to her first child a girl and she and her husband Bill, John Beck, name her Ivy, Susan Swift. Swift's performance was incredibly good. I don't know if the prestigious director Robert Wise wanted to make a thriller with this story of a young girl who happens to be the reincarnation of another girl (Audrey Rose) who died the same day that she was born. All the actors have had their careers now, in fact, Norman Lloyd (the hypnotist), is still alive at 106! | The sad whines are a lot louder. I immediately decided to watch it. Aj V Super Reviewer. Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2021, This film was, as most suspense films are, wonderfully inviting for about 30 minutes. I think the actress playing Ivy/Audrey, Susan Swift, turned in a VERY good performance as the tormented child. Given this was directed by Robert Wise, it really should have been better. Overacting must have been the "In" thing in the mid seventies. An Marsha Mason's empathetic performance is enough to bring you into the insanity of the situation she's forced into. Marsha Mason is also quite good as Ivy's distraught mother and young Swift is natural and effecting as Ivy. Audrey Rose was never really a straight ahead horror film and it remains a little different while playing up to a few of the stereotypes. Very moody, intriguing, even brave. Historical note: the mixture of horror scenes and a trial setting could have given interesting results if one is to judge by the recent "Exorcism of Emily Rose" (very good film but no relation, unfortunately), but in this film it just adds another layer of absurdity to the proceedings. The only thing worthwhile about this embarrassment is the opening 20 seconds or so. The story itself is emotional claptrap of the worst kind, and Hopkins layers on the goo every time he's on screen, tempering it with some annoying verbal tics that probably work well on stage but don't survive the transition to celluloid. I'm not sure which movie is worse, but I'd just as soon avoid them both. She was a loving mother, model, & entrepreneur. The climax, however, is more depressing than moving. I like it more, much more now. Having now seen the film nearly forty years after its release I can say it holds up quite nicely. Audrey Rose had very good acting, a beautiful soundtrack and a creepy plot, but what really made it good was the ending, as Ivy is hypnotized and goes backwards through different stages in her life. Enter Anthony Hopkins character , Elliot Hoover, who tries to convince Ivy's parents that their daughter whom they have raised and loved as their own, is in fact the reincarnation of his own daughter who died years ago. Audrey Rose is vulgar and mediocre. This movie will touch you deeply. I first saw this movie years ago when I was much younger. Anthony Hopkins was not particularly effective, but there are glimpses of the sinisterness of Hannibal Lecter in some scenes. I remember seeing this movie in 1979 on television and being pretty rather freaked out by it then, but I was a kid, so I recently rented it and found it to just as disturbing and actually very sad, too. A história coloca Anthony Hopkins como um indivíduo de índole questionável que segue a filha de um casal (Marsha Mason e John Beck), sendo visto como um potencial molestador. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. The story itself is excellent, but the way it is presented is just plain awful. My interest was piqued because in its day the film drew a lukewarm critical and box office reception. It is more than just entertainment unlike some of the garbage that Hollywood foists on us from time to time. I can't believe anyone ever found this movie to be scary, but perhaps the subject matter itself-- reincarnation-- was seen as forbidden and "occult." Her mom and dad are sophisticated and live in a high-class apartment and have high-class friends. I was impressed by the suspense of it all. Audrey Rose has generally received mixed reviews. I was already interested in it since I am an ardent fan of Anthony Hopkins. Not quite up to the standards of Exorcist or Omen, but still good, I Found It a Great Film in the Late 70's but only Reasonable in the Present Days. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Is he a nutter? In reality, it’s more of a cause for a nap. Audrey Rose is a very intelligent horror movie, but it is not as creepy as its original source - the novel by Frank De Felitta. Something happened in 1967....something bad that causes one desperate man to seek answers from the beyond to give pea I would certainly watch again. User Ratings Audrey Rose is one those under rated films. Boston Metro Area. She does daily activities with her mom and dad, goes to Catholic school with lots of friends and has the picture-perfect family life. Audrey Rose Blu-ray Twilight Time Limited Edition 1977 / Color / 1:85 widescreen / 113 min. Anthony Hopkins is at his best, and Susan Swift is phenomenal. I highly recommend this film. I kept hoping the film would improve, if only for the sake of poor Marsha Mason, but there's one absurd and laughable moment after another. Now, when "Audrey Rose" first came out in 1977, it was subject to mixed reviews, mostly because it was seen as a horror film, and I can understand why. Film: Four Stars Twilight Time Blu-Ray: Three, Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2016. Highly recommended. It's a shame that both Sir Anthony Hopkins and John Beck seem to have their minds on other matters, as if they were not enjoying being a part of this movie. Marsha Mason is alright in this film, but Susan Swift (the little girl) delivers all of her lines in two ways-- a happy whine, or a sad whine. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Audrey Rose at The Templetons live in the bosom of luxury with their pampered and obnoxious daughter, in the apex of gracious living quarters, in an era when burnt orange, brown, beige and dark oak were considered an acceptable colour scheme and off-white neo-colonial plush furniture was considered the epitome of good taste. Regardless, this film kept me on the edge of my seat up to the genuinely shocking ending. What if your own child had a secret past life? I love a good scare, but this was a little much for me. It is a great movie to watch on a dark, rainy evening. Only miscasting is John "The Chin" Beck who is pretty one-note as Ivy's hot-tempered father. In New York, Janice Templeton (Marsha Mason) is happily married with the executive Bill Templeton (John Beck) and they live in a comfortable and fancy apartment with their eleven year-old daughter Ivy (Susan Swift). Elliot Hoover (Anthony Hopkins) believes that 11-year-old schoolgirl Ivy Templeton (Susan Swift) is the reincarnation of his daughter, who was burnt alive in a car wreck. Generous portion of ham before the fava beans and chianti. Audrey Rose Karhoff are some of the alias or nicknames that Audrey has used. Wonderful acting, especially by Anthony Hopkins and Marsha Mason. Robert Wise adapta o forte livro de Frank de Felitta. It's very understandable that this was ignored by horror fans. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Marsha Mason and John Beck portray loving parents whose young daughter, Ivy, is experiencing moments of emotional trauma for no apparent reason. Susan Swift does a … It's a bit spooky, and watchable but the thing is, it could be way more interesting, and it does drag an awful lot. Audrey Rose shares elements of films like the Lovely Bones and Alice, Sweet Alice. Check out our audrey rose selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our gifts for the couple shops. Pre Booking is best to ensure my availability. Today it is just a snooze, and Anthony Hopkins must be glad to be out of the career slump that had him taking on films like this. What's In A Name? Ivy/Audrey Rose is suffering emotionally because she is supposedly reliving the last terrifying moments from her past life. While it doesn't necessarily change my thinking in regards to the afterlife or reincarnation, it was a fascinating take on the subject. "Audrey Rose" will please anyone who wishes to see a mature, thought provoking chiller. His daughter's name was Audrey-Rose, and he believes Ivy is her reincarnation. The plot is about a young girl who begins to be plagued by nightmarish dreams of being burnt in an accident. The key to the film's success is the suspense hinges on mood and atmosphere not pyrothechnics which shouldn't surprise because "Audrey Rose" was also helmed by Wise. The scenes where Ivy in a semiconscious state flashes back to a previous life are downright chilling. What a story! Things weren't going to improve much for the venerable and respected Robert Wise, who went on to direct Star Trek: The Motion Picture, a film whose only crime is its numbing dullness. As it turns out, he used to be the successful owner of a large steel factory in Pittsburgh until his wife and daughter were killed in a horrible accident. This page works best with JavaScript. It was released a few years after "The Exorcist," when horror films were becoming more modern and faith was being challenged. That being said, if you would like a film to really make you think this may be it. Directed by: Robert Wise. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. I appreciate old films and the artistry that's often present in them. View Audrey Rose’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Audrey Rose is a film that I, personally, did not find scary. In an instance the car driven by Slivia is knocked over on it's back and bursts into a ball of fire killing both mother and daughter. The film features a disturbed child, but it is not by malevolent forces. [Full Review in Spanish] Full Review. / Street Date October 14, 2014 / available through Screen Archives Entertainment / 29.95 Starring Marsha Mason, Anthony Hopkins, John Beck, Susan Swift, Norman Lloyd, John Hillerman, Robert Walden. This is clearly a drama about reincarnation that is spiritual, thought provoking and sad. Marsha Mason and John Beck portray loving parents whose young daughter, Ivy, is experiencing moments of emotional trauma for no apparent reason. It's really worth watching. But I don't see "Audrey Rose" … Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2018. There is no dramatic improvement in sharpness, and in fact, this looks a bit worse in some scenes, grainy, soft and washed out. For me this movie is masterpiece fantastic Audrey Rose has been categorized as a horror film by several reviewers, but it is not a horror film. anthony hopkins is really incredible But he has done a fair share of horror films and thrillers, including "The Curse of the Cat People," "The Day The Earth Stood Still," but most notably, "The Haunting." Very 70s but not at all bad and worth a look for an early understated performance from Antony Hopkins. As the story unfolds, John takes Mr. Hoover to court but as a surprising campaign goes underway to show Audrey Rose exists in the body of Ivy Templeton, the surprises begin to unfold. We don't have to think this through too hard. On the acting front, Marsha Mason is both believable and sympathetic as the frantic mother, Janice Templeton. Anthony Hopkins always amazes me and Ms. The time of the accident is 8:20 AM October 3, 1965. "Audrey Rose" was bound to fail:coming three years after the exorcist farce and all its imitators ,it stood no chance at all. While this provides the overall narrative with an interesting debate, the majority of the story focuses on whether reincarnation is … I was mesmerized by this movie as it touches on the very question of human existence and our place in the universe whether physical or spiritual. The way it ends it looks more like a propagandist manifesto in favor of the Oriental philosophies, the "karma" and all that stuff I couldn't care less about. I've recently seen this movie again after at least 15 years. However, it is nothing more than a poor imitation of The Exorcist with terrible staging, unsympathetic characters and a thread-bare storyline. Audrey Rose was based on a book by Frank De Felitta. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Marsha Mason and John Beck star as Janice and Bill Templeton, the parents of precocious 13-year-old Ivy (Susan Swift). Anthony Hopkins, very young in this, was brilliant and interesting. I started to read it, and wow! I saw this film on T.V when I was about 7 years old & I remember how scary it was...definitely not the case now. Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2020. I first saw this film when it was on the Comet TV channel several months ago. | Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2016. 181 likes. But when Ivy begins having horrible nightmares, running through her room, and banging on her bedroom window with her fists, they begin to wonder if Elliot's claims may just be true... ***SPOILERS*** Losing control of her car on the rain-slick Pennsylvania Turnpike just outside of Pittsburgh Mary Lou Sikes, Ivy Jones, helplessly slides across the grass divider and into the oncoming traffic crashing into a car driven by Silvia Flora Hoover with her five year-old daughter, sitting in the back seat, Audrey Rose. I like Robert Wise movies and I think he was a brilliant stylist who could always be counted on to express the zeitgeist of the age. Slightly more realistic version of Exorcist sans the scares. The Templetons are skeptical until Ivy begins to act erratic and harm herself and the strange man, named Hoover, warns that Ivy may be in danger. I enjoyed the premise of the film. I for one was thankful to stop hearing the little brat whine at the end of the film. At least a days notice is preferred. | Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. A film due for both rediscovery and re-evaluation. I am not an armchair critic so I don't look for everything wrong about the movies I watch. My Weekly Schedule is as follows: Wednesdays – 1pm – 10pm At film's end I think my general reaction was sort of a 'meh'. Their lives are fairly normal, that is until a stranger (Anthony Hopkins) begins to stalk Ivy, claiming that within her body is the reincarnated spirit of his daughter, Audrey Rose, who burned to death in a horrible car accident. Is Ivy really Audrey Rose or not is the question all three parents must answer. Its basic (and only) premise is to treat the possibility of reincarnation as something dramatic, shocking and even potentially scary. And it was also unjustly compared to The Exorcist which had come out not to many years before hand. If you watch this film, however, get ready for a lot of uncomfortable stares and long, silent moments where the writers left brilliant actors with very little to work with. Many movies fail due to their ending, not so with this movie. Mason, John Beck ) think so at first, I thought this was ignored horror! The scenes where Ivy in a semiconscious state flashes back to pages you are in! Hopkins first major attempt to move from the famed director that, it ’ s more a... And interesting is clearly a drama about reincarnation that is spiritual, thought provoking and sad,., 2015 Blu-Ray for Audrey Rose or not is the trial scene, as an Indian guru takes the as! A secret past life sophisticated and live in a very good performance as the tormented child 's (. Quite sure what another reviewer on here is even referring to about being whiny!, this film more now, in fact, Norman Lloyd ( the hypnotist ), is experiencing of... 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