We published an example where that coordination would enable you to save three-quarters of the electricity used by a typical 20-odd-year-old glass office tower at a slightly lower cost than the regular 20-year renovation you have to do anyway, that saves nothing.e360: Now, you mentioned that barrier-busting is needed at all levels of government. I’ve given you at least a quick sketch of the big three things. Amory Lovins: energy visionary sees renewables revolution in full swing. The concept was developed after Amory Lovins authored an article published in the March 21, 1985 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly arguing that utility companies will sell less electricity and more efficiency by marketing 'negawatts'. ... We can see a very clear way forward to trebling energy efficiency by 2050." As Big Energy Gains, Can Europe’s Community Renewables Compete? Our next fab design after that, by the way, will save about two-thirds of the energy and half the capital costs. Amory Lovins, hero of environmentalists and adviser to Fortune 500 firms, says it's time for bold changes in energy and transportation, focusing first on efficiency… Never miss a feature! Similarly, if you look at our economist book six years ago, Small is Profitable — that’s smallisprofitable.org — you’ll find a pretty complete agenda for reforming the electricity system to let big and small technologies compete fairly, with huge advantage to the public.e360: Can you give us a couple of real-life success stories that you’ve experienced in the private sector?Lovins: A well-known one, with Texas Instruments, was their new chip-fab — that is, a microchip-making plant — in Richardson, Texas. It happens to be a two-seater because that’s all I need. Of a Radical Green Energy Path, Fen Montaigne is senior editor of Yale Environment 360 and author of the book, Fraser's Penguins: A Journey to the Future in Antarctica. So if what we mean is, as in my case, doing more and better with less energy and money, but with more brains and technology, then we should call it energy efficiency or raising energy productivity. That reform is adopted in a handful of states but pending in about another two dozen. Why should I fix up the building if the landlord owns it, and why should the landlord fix it if I pay the bills? Similarly, if you are proposing to examine someone’s house or factory to look for energy saving opportunities, I’d suggest do not call it an energy audit, which makes people think of the IRS, perhaps an energy survey would be more interesting.e360: What about coinages like fee-bates and negawatts?Lovins: I think they’re in fairly common usage by now, especially “negawatts”, which was a typo I spotted in a Colorado PUC document several decades ago and spread around, or the economists’ term “micro-power” to embrace both co-generation and distributive renewables is a very useful term. Lovins, who participated in Principal Voices in 2006, has advocated the "soft energy path," which promotes efficiency and renewable energy. And I should emphasize, RMI is completely apolitical and nonpartisan. That’s because, in order to move their vehicles from the fee zone to the rebate zone, they add technology content that tends to have a higher profit margin than the rest of the vehicle.The third important thing I’d suggest is to de-subsidize the entire energy sector systematically. What do you drive?Lovins: I drive a 2001 Honda Insight aluminum hybrid that is rated at 64 miles a gallon. Regardless of the application, integrative design for radical energy efficiency starts with shedding all previous conceptions and assumptions, and instead cultivating “beginner’s mind,” Lovins explained in the lecture. February 20, 2012. They’re very lopsided. And it has a very efficient, slightly-under-one-liter engine with an electric hybrid, boosted by a 10-kilowatt motor on the upper shaft, and it’s got also a very good aerodynamics and tires. Just move the electrons and leave the heavy nuclei at home. But for people not in the energy business they are jargony, so instead of negawatts, we can say just “saved electricity.”e360: So the term negawatts actually came to you by spotting a typo?Lovins: Yes, they meant to type megawatts, but it came out negawatts, and I said: What a nice term! Can Geothermal Power Play a Key Role in the Energy Transition? By barrier-busting, I mean enabling people to respond to the price signals they see, and use energy in a way that saves money, by turning into a business opportunity each of the 60 or 80 well-known obstacles or market failures in buying efficiency. Forest Defenders: A Panamanian Tribe Regains Control of Its Lands, As World’s Deltas Sink, Rising Seas Are Far from Only Culprit. And, of course, they are in a race with Toyota and everybody else to do that. Amory Lovins is one of the country's foremost leaders in renewable energy and energy efficiency. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Amory Lovins, co-founder and chairman of Rocky Mountain Institute, says that world’s biggest untapped energy source is efficiency. I talked to a wide range of audiences and for some it is not appropriate. There is no trade-off or compromise required. If the gospel of energy efficiency has an evangelist, it must be Amory B. Lovins. And in the retrofit projects we typically save 30 to 60 percent of the energy with two- or three-year paybacks. And there’s a lot of barrier-busting needed at all levels of government as well as firms and households. When you go to the dealer to buy a vehicle of the size you want, there are more and less efficient models on offer. Can Geothermal Power Play a Key Role in the Energy Transition? Energy efficiency, a bigger energy “source” than oil, avoids at least twice as much global greenhouse gas emissions as renewables’ remarkable growth. But they are going to replace it under the same name with a four- or five-seat hybrid. Amory Lovins Lays Out His Clean Energy Plan, Fraser's Penguins: A Journey to the Future in Antarctica. The world’s biggest untapped energy source, according to energy expert Amory Lovins, is efficiency. Last Thursday I spent a half hour onstage in San Francisco discussing energy trends and choices with the energy analyst Amory B. Lovins and green business maven Joel Makower. Forest Defenders: A Panamanian Tribe Regains Control of Its Lands, As World’s Deltas Sink, Rising Seas Are Far from Only Culprit. If they are concerned about education, they may like to know that students learn 20 odd percent faster in well day-lit classrooms and efficient schools have money left to hire teachers and buy books. The most important way to speed it up would be to reward utilities for cutting our bills, not selling us more energy. Amory Lovins, the owner of the house, is exactly the guy you’d expect to live here. First, define the desired service. And if that happened, that would be the most single powerful lever in getting utilities excited and engaged in efficiency, rather than averse or at least indifferent to it because it hurts their profits.Second, to get efficient cars on the road quickly, the federal government should incubate at a state and regional level and then take nationwide a system of size-neutral and revenue-neutral “fee-bates”. The topic that most occupies Lovins thinking nowadays is energy efficiency. I am driving in a lot of snow and slush and mostly in snow tires, and it gets 61-point-something.e360: How does that get that mileage?Lovins: Well, it weighs only 1889 pounds. You used the word jargony, for me it sounds gimmicky.Lovins: Well, tastes differ. Energy efficiency is limited by the laws of thermodynamics, but by one global estimate, 2005 global Second Law efficiency (AIP 1975) of energy conversion systems was only ~11% (Cullen and Allwood 2011), i.e., energy use was 9× the theoretical minimum, so including also passive systems, '85% of energy demand could be practically avoided using current … Students will also get to tour Amory Lovins's famous energy efficient home in Snowmass, CO - and check out his indoor greenhouse / banana crop! Lovins claims that it’s design, not technology that can achieve incredibly energy efficiency gains. They favor supply over efficiency and big over small, nonrenewable over renewable, nuclear over everything. For example, a company or an individual hiring an architect or an engineer would do well to pay that designer for — or, pay those designers for what they saved, not for what they spend, which is the traditional method of compensation. We’re working on a refinery that will probably need no natural gas, no electricity and no outside water, but cost less and work better.These examples are among a much larger list, totaling over $30 billion worth of facilities in 29 sectors, that we’ve recently redesigned for radical energy efficiency with our private-sector partners. "Engaging, intense, informative, exhausting at times, wonderful, completely worthwhile" -Student, 2020. Who should apply? Amory Lovins: Integrative design for radical end-use efficiency, in electricity and all other forms, and all sectors. Those terms are unambiguous. On energy efficiency and the “negawatt” revolution: “There is an enormous amount more to be done: we could improve the efficiency of US buildings by 2050 at historically reasonable rates by a factor of three or four, with about a 33% internal rate of return.” On carbon removal: “I haven’t yet seen an economically attractive CCS option…I think the way forward on … Amory Bloch Lovins … Amory B. Lovins is fond of referring to the Rocky Mountain Institute, where he serves as chairman and chief scientist, as a “think and do” tank, and it’s clear that to Lovins the doing is every bit as important as the thinking. There are arguments here for essentially every constituency and political view. It seems as though your work focuses very much on the private sector.Lovins: Well, barrier-busting is needed in the public and private sectors, and in fact many of the biggest obstacles are at the level of the firm. Yet its potential is far larger. So that would be 24 years, now almost 25. We moved in in January 1984, after a year and a half of construction. For example, the point is to cool people or materials, not buildings or equipment. It is rated (mileage) the highest in the market, although they pulled it off the market some months ago, because it sold poorly, not because it isn’t a great car, but because the two-seat segment in extremely small. If they are concerned about climate protection, they may like to know that energy efficiency can provide it not at a cost but at a profit. And saving three-quarters of the electricity would take several decades, because we would need both to build new things in a much smarter way and to retrofit existing buildings and factories — bearing in mind that about 70 percent of our electricity goes to buildings and 30 percent to factories.Now, there are ways to speed this up, like mass retrofits. That is, we make very large energy savings cost less than small or savings. Let’s use it!e360: Do you find that people respond to that? And that explains exactly how to save half the oil and gas at average costs of roughly 12 bucks a barrel and under a dollar per million BTU. • We sat down with him to talk about potential challenges and solutions in renewable energy and I hope you enjoy the podcast. But don’t call it “conservation.”In an interview conducted by science writer Carole Bass for Yale Environment 360, Lovins, the co-founder and chairman of Rocky Mountain Institute, says that word connotes “privation, discomfort and curtailment.” By contrast, “efficiency” means “doing more and better with less energy and money, but with more brains and technology,” he says.The longtime renewable energy advocate and author says retooling for energy efficiency will require “barrier-busting” at many levels. e360: How do you find people respond to it?Lovins: Generally, very well. Most economic theorists assume that energy efficiency—the biggest global provider of energy services—is a limited and dwindling resource whose price- and policy-driven adoption will inevitably deplete its potential and raise its cost. Or, there’s the well-known split incentive. And another important way to make retrofits much cheaper is to coordinate them with retrofits and renovations you’re doing anyway for other reasons. The Plowboy Interviews spotlights Amory Lovins, energy Analyst and environmentalist and author of the 1976 essay, "Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?" By Fen Montaigne Amory Lovins: Oh, for example, in the United States we could save at least half the oil and gas and three-quarters of the electricity we use, and that efficiency investment would cost only about an eighth [of] what we’re now paying for those forms of energy.e360: How fast could we do that?Lovins: To get completely off oil — half from the supply side and half by redoubling the efficiency of using oil — would take ’til the 2040s, if we did it about a third slower than we saved oil from 1977 to ’85, when we were last paying attention. But in the new facilities we save more — typically 40 to 90 percent — and the capital cost almost always goes down. Right now, there’s over a century of encrusted and assiduously lobbied-for and defended subsidies to almost every kind of energy. Most climate modelers explicitly or tacitly use economic theory as the dominant framework for assessing potential technological gains in energy end-use efficiency (Lovins 2018a) 1.Economic theory tends to treat energy efficiency as a limited and dwindling Ricardian resource (like … For four decades, Amory Lovins has been a leading proponent of a renewable power revolution that would wean the U.S. off fossil fuels and usher in an era of energy independence. I’ve saved a lot of commuting by now. If you want to know how, please go to rmi.org/Stanford.e360: What is the importance of language choice in trying to spread these ideas and their adoption?Lovins: It’s extremely important. I would predict that those not in favor will include all the incumbents, who are quite happy with the present arrangements they paid a lot of money for.e360: What are the top three things the federal government needs to do right now to get the rules right?Lovins: Well, I won’t include the utility reform I referred to earlier, which is technically called decoupling and shared savings, because that’s done by state utility commissions. Lovins argued that the United States had arrived at an important crossroads and could take one of two paths. For example, how large, how cheap, how fast? Lovins has always focused on solutions that conserve natural resources while also promoting economic growth; Texas Instruments and Wal-Mart are just two of the mega-corporations he has advised on improving energy efficiency. The car has, I think, 3,000 miles a year, most of which is driving to and from the airport. The candidates had quite different energy platforms. We work in all sectors, but most of our work is with the private sector, because we actually want to get things done.e360: How far can the private sector take us, and at what point do we need to bring the general public along as well?Lovins: I think government should steer, not row. Most encouraging, he says, is … More importantly, though, I don’t commute by car, because my trip to work is 10 meters across the jungle in the middle of my passive solar banana farm.e360: And how long has that been your situation?Lovins: Oh, let’s see. That is, the core truth of today’s energy dilemma is that whether you care about security, climate or prosperity, you should do exactly the same things about energy. And they cause enormous distortions in private investment and consumption decisions. The alternative, which Lovins called "the soft path," favored "benign… Remember, though, that many of the big energy choices are not made in Washington, although that matters. For example, many, if not most, Americans think of the term “energy conservation” as connoting privation, discomfort and curtailment, that is, doing less, worse or without. And government, Lovins says, “should steer, not row.”Yale Environment 360: You have called energy efficiency “the largest, cheapest, safest, cleanest, fastest way to provide energy services.” How do you quantify that claim? Amory Lovins lectures at Stanford University as the visiting MAP/MING Professor of Energy and Environment It’s a more powerful method than either fuel taxes or efficiency standards. This was the capping event of Verge 2013, a conference on commerce and sustainability run by Makower’s GreenBiz Group.. Amory Lovins; Download. That’s because we use integrated design to get expanding, not diminishing returns. Our latest data center design saves about 80 percent of the energy and 15 to 50 percent of the capital cost, depending on whether they buy anyway the chillers they will no longer need.Or, we had a recent design for a mine that will use no fossil fuel and no electricity; it runs on gravity. Under a fee-bate system, the less efficient ones would pay a corresponding fee, that would then be used to pay a rebate on the more efficient ones. Actually, if you look at move.rmi.org/oilendgame, you’ll find our detailed, Pentagon-co-sponsored study of four years ago, Winning the Oil Endgame. As Big Energy Gains, Can Europe’s Community Renewables Compete? Amory B. Lovins, an American consultant experimental physicist and 1993 MacArthur Fellow, has been active at the nexus of energy, resources, economy, environment, development, and security in more than 50 countries for over 40 years, including 14 years based in England. They have a habit of producing the most efficient cars on the market in any given time. This widens the price spread between more and less efficient models, enough so that you will pay attention to lifecycle fuel savings, not just the first year or two. You have to speak to people’s concerns in their language.e360: How do we get people to focus on these issues right now, given everything else that’s going on in the country and the world?Lovins: By speaking to their concerns in their language. Saving half the gas could be a good deal faster, probably about 20 years. Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)’s mission is to transform global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future. In his 2011 book - Reinventing Fire - Lovins made a case for energy transformation in society using business- and market-driven techniques. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, National Geographic, Outside, Smithsonian, and other magazines. Our current energy technologies are grossly inefficient and result in abundant waste, Lovins said, which threatens our resources, security, environment, health, geopolitical stance, social development and wallets. And retooling for energy efficiency will require “barrier-busting” at many levels. In 1976, physicist and environmental activist Armory B. Lovins published an article, “Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?” in Foreign Affairs.This excerpt from his article highlights what he termed “soft energy paths”: low-tech, environmentally safe, distributed energy forms including energy efficiency and renewable energy. The first, supported by U.S. policy, promised a future of steadily increasing reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear fission, and had serious environmental risks. It was built in Texas, not China, because, together, we were able to cut out 30 percent, or $230 million, of capital costs, while saving a lot of energy and money. And I think the broad framework that makes the most sense for energy policy would be to let all ways to save or produce energy compete fairly, at honest prices, no matter which kind they are, what technology they use, how big they are, where they are, or who owns them. Amory Lovins SAE, cofounder and chairman emeritus of Rocky Mountain Institute, ... a practitioner of integrative design for advanced energy efficiency … Unlike standards, it rewards continuous innovation and improvement, and it makes more profit for the automakers. And let’s see who’s not in favor of that. If they are concerned about national security, energy efficiency is probably the best way to get it. Shares. More about Fen Montaigne →, Never miss a feature! LONDON, England (CNN)-- Amory Lovins is an environmentalist and the chairman and chief scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). The key is integrating all four energy-using sectors—and four kinds of innovation. Hardly lacking in confidence or ambition, Lovins — in conjunction with his colleagues at the institute — has published Reinventing Fire, his step-by-step blueprint for how to transition to a renewable energy economy by mid-century. “Principally, I am talking about using our energy resources productively,” he explains. In theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice they are not. For example, most gas and electric utilities are regulated very largely at the state level.e360: What would be the first concrete thing that President Obama and/or the new Congress ought to do here?Lovins: It’s not for me to say what their political priorities should be. Amory Lovins came to prominence in 1976 when he published an article in Foreign Affairs called "Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?" Overview: Transforming Land and Sea for a More Sustainable World, In Boost for Renewables, Grid-Scale Battery Storage Is on the Rise, Filthy Water: A Basic Sanitation Problem Persists in Rural America, How Non-Native Plants Are Contributing to a Global Insect Decline, How Biden Can Put the U.S. on a Path to Carbon-Free Electricity, Amid Tensions in Myanmar, An Indigenous Park of Peace Is Born, As South Africa Clings to Coal, A Struggle for the Right to Breathe. Is important to get it other forms, and other magazines Amory B. Lovins example, heavy. They cause enormous distortions in private investment and consumption decisions however, the point is cool! Then I took a lot of amory lovins energy efficiency conferencing, rather than flying kinds of innovation 2013, a on... How cheap, how large, how large, how cheap, how cheap, how cheap how. They favor supply over efficiency and big over small, nonrenewable over renewable, nuclear over everything, “ steer! 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