We don’t anticipate any changes to Alaska postings in the next six months. jennifer.mccaul@alaska.gov. This is a required poster for all Alaska employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.. We can help. Alaska labor laws require employers with four (4) or more employees to pay employees overtime at a rate of 1½ time their regular rate when they work more than 40 hours in a workweek or eight (8) hours in a workday. Newspaper sales and delivery. Alaska Labor Relations Agency. kris.laubenstein@alaska.gov. The Wage and Hour Administration enforces and administers Alaska labor laws to ensure that workers are justly compensated for their labors and safeguarded from unfair or unscrupulous practices. Mass Layoffs (WARN) Meals and Breaks. Executive exemption. See FLSA. Summary of Alaska Wage & Hour Act Poster Required The Summary of Alaska Wage & Hour Act is a labor law posters poster by the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. Alaska DOL Wage and Hour Summary. %%EOF
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Payday Requirements. street, suite b or 550 w. 7 avenue, suite 1660 juneau, alaska 99801 anchorage, ak 99501. revised 07/2013. 1. of . designated by the Alaska Labor Relations Agency as a Supervisory Unit position. For questions regarding this pamphlet and Alaska’s child labor laws… Highlights: The Alaska Wage … Download or print the 2020 Alaska Child Labor Law for FREE from the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. alaska school laws and regulations Nov 22, 2020 Posted By Enid Blyton Media Publishing TEXT ID a3449ec9 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library website they are updated quarterly so they may not reflect current law for links to regulations which have been recently revised download the pdf file reference the law Alaska minimum wage laws allow employers to pay less than minimum wage to individuals impaired by physical or mental deficiency, age, or injury that otherwise limits their ability to perform work. the family and medical leave act (fmla) Alaska exempts executive or supervisor employees from its minimum wage and overtime requirements. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Family/Medical Leave (FMLA) Health and Safety (OSHA) Labor Laws (NLRA) Leave Laws… h�b```��,�7�@����(��P@�Q (
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Effective January 1, 2021, Alaska Minimum Wage is $10.34 per hour for all … An employer must also comply with federal overtime laws. Policy . division of personnel and labor relations payroll services . Some exceptions apply. Summary of Alaska Wage & Hour Act Poster Required The Summary of Alaska Wage & Hour Act is a labor law posters poster by the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. Effective January 1, 2021 Rev. Purpose . ALASKA YOUTH UNDER THE AGE OF 14 MAY WORK ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS FOR 14 & 15 YEAR OLDS: ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING OCCUPATIONS: 1. Occupations involved in operation of power-driven machinery other … State of Emergency in the State of Alaska as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19. with Alaska Statute (AS) 44.23.020(b)(8) it has been approved by the Alaska Department of Law. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Family/Medical Leave (FMLA) Health and Safety (OSHA) Labor Laws (NLRA) Leave Laws. Please take advantage of the cost -free counseling services offered by the Department to clarify your questions. Find a Job; Get child labor info; File for Unemployment; Labor and Workforce Development homepage. 1384 0 obj
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LAWS OF ALASKA 2019 FIRST SPECIAL SESSION Source CCS SSHB 39 Chapter No. Child labor law can be confusing. This pamphlet is designed to help contractors awarded public construction contracts understand the most significant laws of the State of Alaska … endstream
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<. ALASKA LABOR LAWS Contact OSHA. LAWS OF ALASKA 2019 FIRST SPECIAL SESSION Source CCS SSHB 39 Chapter No. It prints landscape on 8 ½ x 14 paper. This policy provides direction and guidance for establishing employee teleworking arrangements. [ The documents listed in the index below are in the Portable Document Format (.pdf… )�a�/�C Email Us, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Governorâs Safety and Health Conference, Petroleum Drilling & Production Standards, Asbestos Abatement Statutes and Regulations, Additional Air Contaminants Standards Table Z-1-A, Laborers' & Mechanics' Minimum Rates of Pay. www. Law … AK Statute 23.10.055(a)(9)(A) To qualify for the exemption, an employee must meet the requirements established under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, except that the employee must also be paid a minimum weekly salary of at least two times Alaska… There are a few Alaska labor laws for breaks, but on the whole they are perhaps less stringent than you might expect. Child Labor Laws. We can help. Frequently Asked Questions about Alaska Labor Laws for Breaks. Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Labor Standards and Safety Division Wage and Hour Administration Recordkeeping Requirements for Alaska Employers This fact sheet provides a summary of Alaska’s recordkeeping statutes and regulations, AS 23.05.080 Employer’s Records; AS 23.10.100 Employer to Keep Records; and 8 AAC 15.900 Recordkeeping. Instead of having to display multiple labor law postings our complete PDF covers all legal areas- the Alaska State and Federal Complete labor law PDF … A private employer does not have to pay an employee premium pay, such as 1½ times the regular rate, for working on holidays, unless such time worked qualifies the employee for overtime under standard overtime laws. This is a mandatory posting for all employers in Alaska, and businesses who fail to comply may be subject to fines or sanctions.. Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) Paul Hegg (907) 465-5859 . 1397 0 obj
Child Labor Law. Be aware that if you elect to print posters yourself, labor laws change frequently over time & you should check regularly that you have the most recent versions and new requirements. Find out if your rights are being violated by contacting to Lore Law … The Wage and Hour Administration is now providing interactive online webinars covering basic wage and hour laws for employers, contractors and employees. The Summary of Alaska Wage & Hour Act is an Alaska minimum wage law poster provided for businesses by the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. patty.robinson@alaska… 801 w. 10. th. Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees. complianc eassistanc e.us ALASKA EMERGENCY INFORMATION EMERGENCY INFORMATION DOCTOR _____ AMBULANCE _____ HOSPITAL _____ POLICE _____ FIRE DEPT. Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Research and Analysis Section ~ Unemployment Insurance Research Alaska Unemployment Insurance Tax System The UI Tax Calculation Cookbook Step by step through the UI tax calculation process, with legal citations, and an explanation of each calculation. Executive exemption. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Labor … 4. Alaska Statutes: Current Alaska laws enacted by the State legislature. Box 111149 Juneau, AK 99811-1149 Phone: (907) 465-4842 Email: statewide.wagehour@alaska.gov Fairbanks Alaska Department of Labor … The strongest one, and the only part of Alaska labor laws … Print Free Alaska Labor Law Posters. 907-428-7233 . These mandatory federal and state labor law … Alaska Labor Law Poster Sources: Original poster PDF URL: http://labor.alaska.gov/lss/forms/sum-wh-act-2020.pdf , last updated May 2020 ; Alaska Labor Law Poster Page at … Section of the Alaska Department of Labor. Get a 2021 Alaska all-in-one labor law poster . ALASKA CHILD LABOR LAW SUMMARY. Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Wage and Hour Administration P.O. Labor Shortcuts State of Alaska > DOLWD > Alaska Job Center Network Below, find online and staff-assisted recruitment strategies, employee training opportunities, labor laws, and many other employer resources Business Connection Learn about the current Alaska labor laws from Overtime FLSA, including minimum wage, overtime regulations, and other important information. 01/15/21 . Raise a safety or health concernwith your employer or OSHA, or report a work-related injury or illness, without being retali ated against. Every state has laws specifically dealing with child labor issues. ~^���/j�ip��6N`�� \�8X6G�n�����P7��;���� R�$$y$x�x٘�'�I�bQr��������ٵ�D�$P8B
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and alaska family leave act of 1992 . … Department of Law (LAW) Jennifer McCaul (907) 269-6646 . This mandatory poster summarizes the Alaska Wage and Hour Act. The Alaska Department of Labor is authorized to investigate and resolve complaints of violations of AFLA. The agency is comprised of six members appointed by the governor … Sec. What are the Alaska labor laws for breaks? Occupations in manufacturing, mining or pr ocessing, including workrooms or places where goods are manufactured, mined or otherwise processed. your rights and responsibilities under the family and medical leave act of 1993 . When federal and state standards are different, the rules that provide the most protection to youth workers will apply. Title: WORK BASED LEARNING Author: bdonnell Created Date: 10/21/2003 8:55:35 AM The outbreak of COVID -19 throughout the world is a public disaster that significantly impacts the life and health of our people, the economy of Alaska, property and the public peace. 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) • TTY 1-877-889-5627 • www.osha.gov OSHA 3165-04R 2019 All workers have the right to: A safe workplace. º An eligible employee may bring civil action against an employer for violations of either family leave Act. Alaska Department of. Job Safety and Health IT’S THE LAW! Please Note: updates to section II.B and J I. %PDF-1.5
ALASKA LABOR LAWS Contact OSHA. Title: WORK BASED LEARNING Author: bdonnell Created Date: 10/21/2003 8:55:35 AM The Alaska Administrative Code as supplemented by the Alaska Administrative Register, is an official publication by the State of Alaska, containing regulations of state agencies filed with the lieutenant governor under the Alaska Administrative Procedure Act (AS 44.62). Agencies are encouraged to maximize the use of teleworking wherever practicable. Alaska Wages; Labor Market Information (Research & Analysis) How Do I? paul.hegg@alaska.gov. Raise a safety or health concernwith your employer or OSHA, or report a work-related injury or illness, without being retali ated against. This is an optional poster, so while it is recommended that you post this if it is relevant to your employees, you are not required to by the Department Of Labor … G. “Immediate Family” means the employee's spouse, children, stepchildren, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, mother -in-law, father-in-law, sister or brother. Fully updated for 2021! The Summary of Alaska Child Labor Law is an Alaska child labor law poster provided for businesses by the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. UI Tax Rate Calculation … railroad labor laws and serves as the labor relations agency for most public employers and employees in the state: State, municipalities that have not rejected PERA, Alaska Railroad, and school districts. The Safety and Health Protection on the Job Poster is a labor law posters poster by the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. State of Alaska COVID-19 Leave Policy . Get a 2021 Alaska all-in-one labor law poster . Disability Discrimination (ADA) Discrimination Laws. 23.05.360. State of Alaska P.O. ___1____ AN ACT Making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making supplemental appropriations and reappropriations; and providing for an effective date. Child Labor Law. The Alaska Legislature has empowered the Agency under the Public Employment Relations Act and the Alaska … 2. This is a mandatory posting for all employers in Alaska, and businesses who fail to comply may be subject to fines or sanctions.. Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Alaska and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Alaska and federal posting requirements. Summary of Alaska Child Labor Law (PDF) This poster provides employers with a summary of the most current work restrictions for hiring minors. Wage and Hour laws - Every third Tuesday of every month from 9:00 a.m. to noon Child Labor Laws … Download Alaska Alaska Safety and Health Protection on the Job Labor Law Poster LaborPosters.org will email you a printable PDF of this Alaska labor law poster, 100% FREE . On March 11, 2020, Governor Mike Dunleavyissued Administrative Order #315 and declareda State of Emergency in the State of Alaska … Child Labor Laws. Summary of Alaska Child Labor Law (PDF) This poster provides employers with a summary of the most current work restrictions for hiring minors. You'll also get notified when … 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) • TTY 1-877-889-5627 • www.osha.gov OSHA 3165-04R 2015 All workers have the right to: A safe workplace. The calculation of the 2020 tax rates is the example. This publication summarizes landlord and tenant rights and obligations under Alaska law. Alaska exempts executive or supervisor employees from its minimum wage and overtime requirements. In accordance . ___1____ ... 4 Labor Relations 1,323,800 5 Centralized Human Resources 112,200 6 Retirement and Benefits 19,316,400 7 … Employment / Age Certification. AK Statute 23.10.070(1). designated by the Alaska Labor Relations Agency as a Supervisory Unit position. Downloaded labor law posters meet an employer’s legal obligation. h�bbd```b``��k�d'�dU�n`-0�"��A��qɐO�F7A�d�d�$? Get 2021 All-In-One Poster Now Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Alaska and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Alaska … This is a mandatory posting for all employers in Alaska… alaska youth under the age of 14 may work only in the following occupations: ... for federal information, contact the u. s. department of labor at 1-866-487-9243 anchorage, ak 99504 additional restrictions for 14 & 15 year olds: ... summary of alaska child labor law . Page . Job Safety and Health IT’S THE LAW! 1. _____ BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF … Employers must comply with both federal law and applicable state laws. (a) There is established within the Department of Labor the Alaska labor relations agency. Alaska Sexual Harassment Poster The Alaska Sexual Harassment Poster is a labor law posters poster by the Alaska Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. Version 1.5. In Alaska, a private employer can require an employee to work holidays. State of Alaska Division of Personnel and Labor Relations Telework Policy . It prints landscape on 8 ½ x 14 paper. _____ OTHER _____ 0XOGRRQ 5RDG 6XLWH Anchorage, AK 9950 Phone: (907) 269-4940 675 Seventh Avenue, Station J1 Fairbanks, AK 99701-4596 Phone (907) 451-2890 All fatalities or … Indexed below are links to the current collective bargaining agreements between the State of Alaska and the various bargaining units representing organized state employees. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Patty Robinson (907) 269-8860 . 0
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Alaska labor law requires all employers in Alaska to visibly display an approved Alaska minimum wage poster, and other Alaska and federal labor law posters, to ensure that all employees are aware of federal and Alaska labor law and overtime regulations.Failure to display a Alaska labor law poster in the workplace can result in severe fines. Disability Discrimination (ADA) Discrimination Laws. If your poster has a different date code contact your local ADP representative. Minimum Wage. Overtime. At the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, our goal is putting Alaskans to work. All Alaska businesses with at least one employee are required to display certain notices advising employees of their rights in the workplace. This includes enforcement of minimum wages and overtime regulations, child labor laws, "right to return" transportation, public contract laws… Alaska Safety and Health Protection on the Job Poster Required. Department of Military and Veteran Affairs (DMVA) Kris Laubenstein. Box 110001 Juneau, AK 99811-0001 Re: Constitutionality of Alaska Hire Dear Governor Dunleavy: You have asked for a legal opinion on whether section AS 36.10.150 of the State’s resident preference law, known as Alaska Hire, is consistent with the United States and Alaska … ALASKA The study concluded that the increase in benefits provided under the new law were necessary to meet recurring costs and to maintain the Alaska unemployed worker's standard of living. For further information use the contact numbers or e-mail link listed under Item 8. ALASKA Revised 2019 ALASKA — State Laws by Topic ... Child Labor Law — All employers who employ youth under 18 Safety & Health Protection on the Job — All employers Sexual Harassment — All employers of 15 or more employees. C0120 Alaska required postings Your poster should have this date code to be in compliance. The CHILD LABOR LAWS protect your health and future welfare, and protect you from unsafe activities or exploitation while working. Federal law will apply in cases where it benefits employees more than state law, otherwise state law … Alaska Employment and Labor Laws • Within the state of Alaska, the minimum wage is 5 dollars and 15 cents awarded per hour of labor • State Holidays are listed as: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas - Veteran’s Day, Wyoming Equality Day, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, and President’s Day result in the closing of public institutio G. “Immediate Family” means the employee's spouse, children, stepchildren, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, mother -in-law, father-in-law… of Labor FAQs. Printable alaska state child labor law poster that shows a summary of the restrictions and hours minors are permitted to work. Alaska Dept. 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